
My Poor Neglected Blog

It has been a “facebook summer” filled with enjoyable, not always wasted hours (although plenty of time wasting as well). What is so fascinating about facebook that drives us to check “the Wall” ten times a day for updates about what somebody is having for lunch or other mundane news? Well, for one thing, one can learn new vocabulary, such as chrysocarpophagist, or find out that ferrets can swim like otters, or other fascinating factoids. Facebook has unlimited potential to connect family, friends, and like-minded people, and mingle those who would otherwise never meet. It becomes a community, fulfilling a social need to connect.

Meanwhile, though, the blogosphere is falling by the wayside. People are neglecting to update their blogs, myself included. Facebook has become my one-liner journal rather than taking the sweet time to write out my thoughts here or post an important article. I miss blogging, and I miss the blogs of others who no longer share their deeper or amusing thoughts.

There are things I don’t like about facebook.....it is glitchy, shallow, a time waster, full of dumb quizzes and goofy applications, contributes to mind clutter, annoys with cryptic drama, etc. It is addictive, though. Got to get another fix at least ten times a day. Something is wrong with this habit. I think I need to fast from facebook for a period of time...maybe at least on Sabbath to break the bondage.

Well, enough for now, dear Ponderings blog. I am accustomed to short sound bites now. Got to check the Wall for the latest updates, lest I miss something of earth-shattering importance, like how Suzie’s raspberry pie turned out.