
From Sabbath to Sunday

This is an excerpt from the highly recommended book, The Scroll of Biblical Chronology and Prophecy by Daniel Gregg. Click on title of post (or the link below the excerpt) for more.

....Could it be that the Bible really supports a Sabbath resurrection of Christ? If so, why would the Church seek to change the day to Sunday?.......

After the second Jewish revolt, the Romans virtually banned Judaism, i.e., Sabbath observance and circumcision, in A.D. 135. The Church then found Sadducean and Samaritan opinions useful in transforming Christian practice so that it mimicked Mithraism, making it less likely that the Romans would persecute them. In particular, the confusion over the annual Sabbath of Leviticus 23:11 & 15 with the weekly Sabbath proved useful in revising the Passion Chronology to accord with their new syncretistic form of Christianity. Teaching that Christ died before the weekly Sabbath [Good Friday], they were able to argue for a Sunday resurrection. They also taught that God’s blessing had passed from the Jews to themselves, and that therefore orthodoxy was theirs to possess. The truth is that neither Jews nor Christians were to enjoy the blessing of God or full orthodoxy until their exile among the nations was ended.......

There is a saying that if you repeat a lie often enough, then it becomes the truth. They claim that Christ’s resurrection was on Sunday morning. The false church (exempli gratia: Rome) has been repeating this lie so long that ignorant Christians everywhere are seduced into believing it. Because of this, God’s anger burns against the false church, and He shall cause the beast and the false prophet to overthrow it and burn her with fire (Revelation 17:16; see also 17:5). The judgment will be completely justified. For in deceiving Christians and the world, Rome has wrecked the faith of the saints. The consequences of the “first day of the week” lie have eaten away at biblical chronology like a virus killing its victim, and so in the process have turned Christians away from the seasons and times that God ordained for His worship in spirit and in truth. The big lie has spawned a host of little lies in every realm of biblical exegesis. The Church has created its own virtual reality, supported by the circular reasoning trap of the little lies that support the monstrous lie. Whenever Neophyte Newton notices the discrepancies in the Church’s explanation, the teachers trot out their backup system of little lies to support the big lie.

For this reason it is necessary to demolish the whole structure of false chronology by presenting the true chronology of the Bible, and then to demonstrate by mathematical and astronomical proof that there can be no other solution.

Intrigued? Read more at:


Complete book here:



Anonymous said...

Hello Tandi,

Rome did not "ban Judaism" after the 2nd or the Bar Kochba Revolt. This is an overstatement that should be fine tuned. Rome banned Judaism in Palestine after the revolt--much as its observances had been banned in the immediate aftermath of the destruction of the 2nd Temple. Judaism was practiced throughout the empire well after the revolts.

Also, this article assumes that the "original" positions of the early church were in line with Sabbath observance and a Sabbath resurrection chronology when it condemns the church for syncretism between Sadducean practices and Mithraism. First, the extent of Mithraic influence is more vast than mere Sunday observance. It is clear that Paul was fashioning his Christ around similar savior-god cults. Second, Sunday resurrection chronology is not only evidenced from the primary resurrection texts, it is also found in Didache which is a contemporary document to the Synoptic tradition. Third, Good Friday and/or Friday-Sunday chronology was found even among Sabbatarian branches of the church. There is, for that matter, no example of any group that rejected the Friday-Sunday timing until much later.

Tandi said...

Hello Script,

Watch for my next post for further discussion of these topics.

You keep us digging to fine tune the obscure true Gospel. : )