
Running Away From Old Age (Part Two)

To everything there is a season..... Ecclesiastes 3

I cannot believe how swiftly time passes. I thought I would write regularly and journal my thoughts concerning my upcoming adventure in the White Mountains on the Gratitude Hike. But I have been too busy to write, or think, or ponder, or even plan my trip. I managed to decide on a route to take (through Southern New York and up through Albany, NY and Vermont) and make a hotel reservation in Johnson City, NY, but other than that, I have not had the leisure to daydream much about the trip and plan activities or side excursions.

I've been ordering hiking clothes and gear, mostly from LL Bean, and trying out my Merrell hiking shoes on a few local hikes. Two hikes were at Potato Creek State Park by myself, one at Tippecanoe River State Park with a group from Culver Academies, and one at Potawatomi Wildlife Park in Tippecanoe, IN with my friend Vilma. In all cases my feet burned and hurt after an hour or so of walking in the shoes. The shoes fit like a glove and are comfortable. The problem is socks. Smartwool and Coolmax did not work for me. Hopefully the Road Runner Drymax 25x socks will work. I will bring extra socks in my backpack and change them every couple of hours if necessary to avoid this burning sensation. It may have something to do with my toe injuries of the past. It is a wonder I can run and walk at all after broken toes that healed on their own without intervention. They don't look pretty but they still work, for which I am very grateful. Being out on the trails enjoying nature is my favorite place to be, and I hope to continue this passion on into my senior years.

It is encouraging to see and hear of other older people still active. I remember when I felt so miserable in my 50's that I held out hope that my 60's would be better, since I saw many happy, healthy, vibrant seniors. One in particular looked like a teenager she was so slim and fit. If it weren't for her face, I would have guessed her age to be 20 instead of mid 60's. Too bad faces can't be renewed to younger versions without plastic surgery. But then who would know we were old and be inspired by us? So I am learning to cope with old age and make the best of it. This could be my last decade of life, although I hope to make it to 85 to see the Coming of the LORD.....if Dan Gregg's chronology turns out to be true. I'm not a date-setter, but I do anticipate the Return of the Redeemer of Israel and the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom within decades, not centuries.

Speaking of my religious beliefs, they seem to be somewhat in flux these days. I feel somewhat adrift, with no earthly shepherd of my soul to watch out for me. I have no wise teacher, preacher, or rabbi at present to follow, so I will follow Atticus up a mountain on October 5, gaze serenely at the hills and valleys as he does, and hopefully encounter God in a very special and renewing way, refeshing my soul. I hope to see Moriah, the mountain with the Biblical name, and find out who named it and why. Did someone experience a Divine Encounter there? An epiphany? Theophany? I don't think any of my hike mates are religious in a like-minded way. It will be interesting to hear their thoughts while in "God's country". I will probably keep mine to myself so as not to offend. That is, unless the LORD has me blurt something out as happens on occasion. Hopefully my thoughts will turn to words on a keyboard and my writing passion will take off with gushing instead of a trickle. Tom says that a writer just opens a vein and bleeds.

How I need this vacation! I have not had a vacation in years....many, many years. This could be a new beginning for me if I get over my fears of travel and other hindrances to living life to the fullest. I am very grateful that Pat is willing to hold the fort and take care of the animals while I'm gone. I am free to travel for the first time in my life it seems. I am not used to this kind of freedom. I look forward to spending time with my daughter in New Hampshire and my sister on Cape Cod. I look forward to meeting Tom Ryan, a real writer, an inspiration and encouragement as I rekindle my love of writing, my NEED to write. Since 4th grade, when Miss Powers encouraged my writing, I've always thought of myself as a writer....but "someday" when I had time to pursue it. "Someday" almost came in the late 1990's when I enrolled in a writing course through the Institute of Children's Literature. I enjoyed the assignments and hoped to get an article published in a children's magazine and be on my way as a writer. When I got my first rejection slip, I felt so discouraged I could not continue. My change of life emotional swings were a hindrance to pursuing a writing career so I put it off for another decade or so. Oddly enough, the name of the piece I sent in for consideration was "A Dandelion for Mr. Ryan". And here I am, about to embark on a hike with a published author named Tom Ryan! Coincidence? Or Divine Orchestration. So many things like this happen in my life...in all our lives....if we notice them. It is a comfort to me to know that there is a Shepherd of my soul in the heavenlies. One day He will gather the remnant, and blissful fellowship between earthlings will happen. I can't wait for that Day (Yom Ha-Hu in the Hebrew. We sing about it at the Synagogue by the Sea.) Meanwhile, onward....by all means! I just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other and persevere.

Onward.....to this incredible upcoming journey, to overcoming my fears and trepidation, to writing regularly regardless of what comes flying off my fingers on the keyboard, such as this rambling piece where I mention socks of all things. I never know what is on my mind or what I'm going to say. This is a good way to find out. If it interests no one but me, so be it. Admittedly I am self centered and self absorbed, but as Thoreau wrote, "I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else I knew as well. Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the narrowness of my experience." (Walden)

The narrowness of my experience is about to change....along with the Autumn leaves.


Anonymous said...

Well said. I look forward to Shari g God's country with you next weekend

Unknown said...

Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

I liked your blog about Running Away From Old Age,both parts. You seem like a young 64 to me with all the things you are doing, whew made me tired thinking of rowing like that, you go girl. I don't want to offend anyone either with my faith and will usually only comment if someone else brings it up. It seems to be a very controversial subject so I'm just letting you know I'm a Bible believer, I believe Jesus died for our sins and arose 3 days later ascending to heaven to make a place for all who believe. I won't be hiking and preaching but I wanted to let you know we are not alone on this trip. I actually said a prayer the day I sent my email requesting to go on the hike. I was very sincere when I ask God if it was His will for me to be there then please let me be picked. I understand if I can not but I really want to go if it is where You want me to be. I typed my email & sent it before I could change my mind. By looking at my email time sent & my cell phone call from Tom I know it was 1 hour and 10 minutes later I was told by Tom that Atticus picked me because of the butterflies card I sent when his toe was amputated before the hike was ever announced. I was overjoyed and I thanked God over & over that day when I wasn't telling anyone who would listen about this awesome opportunity I was offered. I cried many times that day tears of joy that God said "Yes" to my prayer. I look forward to hiking with You. I'm traveling by road too with my husband John (J or JC is what everyone calls him). Have a safe trip and enjoy the view on the way, it's going to be beautiful I'm sure, the leaves are already changing here in NE Ohio. I'll see you at breakfast in Jackson.