
This Is What Vacations Are All About!

A couple of summers ago, our grandchildren were visiting from Texas. We were returning from a shopping trip, and as we traveled a seldom used rural road we went over a slight rise on the mostly flat surface at a pretty good clip. It caused the car to create a flutter in the tummy, somewhat like a roller coaster ride. Austin and Lexi giggled and said it was fun. Aiming to please, Grampa turned the Durango around and repeated the entertainment, this time going a little faster so as to “jump” the hill (not really, but it felt that way). More laughter from the kids. Grampa was enjoying it too, so turned around for a third squeal of delight. I was thinking this was a dumb idea and possibly dangerous (spoil sport as I am) and requested the foolishness to stop. But six year old Lexi had the last word........”Do it again, Grampa......


Thus, the origins of the inside joke our daughter referred to in the previous post.

In the spirit of Lexi’s adverturous adage, I post this update to their recent family vacation. Pat responded to Denise’s email with the same quip. Knowing Denise’s fear of spiders, we could not help but laugh. Spiders seem to seek her out in a most uncanny way. I hope readers enjoy the story as much as I did. : )

My Horrifying Encounter

Hello everyone. We made it home safe and sound yesterday afternoon. Our flight was delayed an hour in Maui but we still made our connecting flight in L.A. so all was well.

I have some “details” I wanted to tell you about our horseback ride but I was too tired to tell you before.

We arrived at the stable and after awhile we were told to pick out a helmet to wear for our ride (for safety) There were several all laid out on a picnic table to choose from. I took my sunglasses off the top of my head and laid them on the bench of the picnic table. So, as I looked for one that was in good shape and seemed comfortable, I picked one up and saw a GIANT spider inside. It was brown with a HUGE fat body, probably about the size of a large red grape and then add legs. Since I am NOT a fan of spiders at all...as most of you know, I freaked out and dropped the helmet back down on the table. To make matters worse, the spider then fell out of the helmet onto the bench and then the helmet rolled off the top of the table onto the bench right where the spider was. SPLAT!! A LOT of SPLAT! And guess where all that splat landed? It shot out sideways from the spider and landed right on my sunglasses! There was a LARGE amount of spider guts oozing off the side of my glasses. As gross as I am trying to make this sound, it doesn’t compare to how completely grossed out I actually was. I had tears in my eyes and I didn’t know what to do. I was trying to maintain my composure since there were several other people around, but I’m not sure I did a real good job. Our guide took my sunglasses and washed them off with a hose and a wet wipe. I then had to continue picking out my helmet. I didn’t pick that one.

I was going to take a picture of the dead spider but a bird came by and scooped it up and flew away with it before I could get my picture.


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