
The Third Intifada-The War of the Words

Reprinted from Maoz Israel blog......

Back in 1933, Orson Wells pulled off the greatest spoof in media history. His famous “War of the Worlds” broadcast was so realistic that people actually believed that the world as they knew it was coming to an end, and we were at war with Mars. Creating hysteria throughout the United States, Mr. Wells gloated at his success.

But what was also introduced on that day, was the world of propaganda, and how gullible the average person was…if it is reported over the airwaves, it has to be true. Now granted, up until that time, we were not exposed to the Nazi minister of propaganda, Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels.

As one of German dictator Adolf Hitler's closest associates and most devout followers, he was known for his zealous oratory and anti-Semitism. He was the chief architect of the Kristallnacht attack on the German Jews, which historians consider to be the beginning of the Final Solution, leading towards the genocide of the Jews in the Holocaust.

Pretty amazing fete for one man…but he had help…the German nation hungrily looking for a scapegoat or someone to blame for their troubles. The time was ripe for Goebbels…and for the millions of innocent victims that didn’t meet the Aryan standards.

You can’t blame these victims. Deep within their souls, they thought that the very government they identified with, fought and died for, would protect them from such foolish notions that ALL of German’s problems were because of them.

But the pen is mightier than the sword and in the end, millions ended up dead in camps, shallow graves, and hidden places…some to be never found again. Families destroyed by a single bullet. And generations of families lost due to a sick regime.

But you knew all that…that is history. Well known thanks to our high school history teachers. But if history is doomed to repeat itself if we don’t pay attention, then why is it repeating itself now…today?

Israel is currently experiencing a third intifada…but it is not with guns or bombs; it is far more aggressive and deadly. It is a war of the words.

Throughout the internet…on YouTube, on blogs, and (horrors) in the news media; pro-Palestinian sympathizers are spouting its lies and hatred, disregarding facts of truth. And again, the gullible public is buying it hook, line and sinker. (And this time literally with the flotilla incident)

Now, what you don’t know is these guys are getting PAID to do this! They are being funded probably with the very same dollars that is “donated” to help the starving kids in Gaza. (we have already presented that there is NO humanitarian crises in Gaza).

Do you remember the guy to threw his shoe at President Bush during a speech? He received a 9 month jail sentence, but read his quote from 2 days ago:

“I blame the media because they said I would become rich for doing what I did, that I would become a multimillionaire,” Zaidi said. “All the promises about gifts I heard when I was in prison were just empty. The only gift I’ve got since my release is from Canadian television, who made me their man of the year and gave me a pair of golden shoes.”


Appalling? Why, because you thought he did it for a cause he believed in? Each of the “peace activitists” had $10,000 in their possession when they were arrested from the flotilla. What, they needed money to buy eggs and bread for their fellow men????

It is time to take back our edge and be a spokesman of the truth.

It is time to stand against the growing sea of lies perpetrated against Israel and her beloved (that would be you).

It is time that each of us pray AND do what we can to not only be the truth but speak the truth to those who have already believed that we are at war with Mars.

Here is a poem that is taught to every child in elementary school here in Israel. It is in Yad Vashem, and it was written by a German Pastor in WWII:

First They Came For The Jews / Martin Niemöller

"First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out

because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out

because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out

because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me."

You have heard it was said that faith without action is dead…I know that we all have the faith, but God is calling us to action. Be a spokesman of truth…before it is too late.

The battlefield is not in the field anymore.

For more information on this and other topics concerning Israel and her people, visit us at maozisrael.org


Tzuriel said...

all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone

Unknown said...

I'm sure the Palestinians would write poetry... if they had paper.

Tandi said...

May the truth triumph in a sea of lies, distortions, and propaganda.

May the Palestinians use the paper delivered them for some other purpose than teaching hatred against Jews in the childrens' textbooks.

Tzuriel said...

And may the slaughtered and oppressed be taught to thank the Most High for their oppression and slaughter--realizing that it is the will of their Maker.

Tandi said...

"Slaughter and oppression" is in the eye of the ideological beholder. It could be a smokescreen for latent antisemitism.

Tandi said...

Even the French have had enough of Hamas' incitement:

France became the first European government on Wednesday to order the French-owned satellite station Eutelsat to stop its broadcast of the Hamas Al-Aksa program because of violations against European anti-hate laws. Al-Aksa programs “incite hatred or violence for reasons of religion or nationality,” said French Foreign Ministry spokesman Bernard Valero.

Al-Aksa TV has produced a children’s show with a warlike Mickey Mouse character urging children to wage holy war against the US and Israel. In March, the US Treasury Department designated Al-Aksa a “global terrorist entity.”


What kind of poetry will children raised on this kind of hatred write? When the Palestinians love their children as much as they hate Israel, peace may have a chance.

Tandi said...
