
Swirling Thoughts

I am feeling anticipatory. Not sure why. A feeling of foreboding. I am grieved about some things....latest being another Deity denial, apostasy, and conversion to Judaism....someone whose articles I used to read. I am also feeling intimidated from speaking out about important issues. So for now....I am silenced. For how long, I don't know. I identify with the prophet as I read through the Book of Jeremiah. He could not hold in the words the LORD gave him, though he tried to. Yet speaking out only got him in more trouble. I can relate.

I am grieved about the political situation in this country also. I am grieved about the Southern Decadence festival planned for this weekend, with the threat of Hurricane Gustav bearing down on the Gulf coast. This nation is ripe for Judgement, yet we party on rather than repent. The Days of Awe are coming....yet Judaism fails to fix its calendar so few will keep them at the proper season. May there be fasting and prayer. Enough said for now...before I get myself in more trouble.

1 comment:

Tandi said...

Sarah Palin, John and Cindy McCain, and Joe Lieberman give me hope. They are inspirational. Maybe there are “ten righteous” left in the land to fight on for good against evil. And 96 year-old Roberta McCain gives me hope that I could make it to see the coming of the LORD in my older years, still vibrant and spry like her. May she live to see her son inaugurated as President of the United States!