
Walking Alone....Alone

....A Response to Walking Alone Together, by (name deleted)

I tried twice to post an encouraging, positive response to this blog article, to no avail. I am “unapproved” apparently.

If you haven't posted a comment here before, you may need to be approved by the site owner before your comment will appear.

This policy does not seem to encourage honest feedback, constructive criticism, or opposing views.

I suspect this latest snub is due to the grave sin I committed called re-posting from one forum to another [in order to continue a discussion of an important matter that was of concern to me]. I sought out another opinion, but this turned out to be a crime of the severest magnitude. As soon as I was informed that I had committed a faux pas, a transgression, I sincerely apologized and rectified the situation. Yet the punishment for inadvertently breaking a rule I did not know existed was swift, harsh, and merciless.....just another example of the kind of treatment by more than one Messianic ministry that has led others to abandon Messianic Judaism altogether, and contributed to full-blown apostasy in some cases.

The Apostle Paul set an example for dealing with sin in the camp in Corinthians, and YESHUA tells us how to deal with issues in Matthew 18. Yet these steps are not followed. It is much easier to banish, to hit the delete button, to lift the left foot of fellowship to those deemed unworthy of a helping right hand. So much for seeking clarification and believing the best about someone’s intentions before judging.

How hypocritical this sounds to my ears now:

How do we deal with the loneliness that the lifestyle of Torah can be? We do it together!...With this blessing of electronic communication, we have the ability to communicate (although virtually) with people from all over the world. We have the ability to find encouragement, support, answers to questions, and sometimes new questions all within the same day if we want. Somehow, the road does not seem so lonely when we are walking it together.....All community...even a virtual one...thrives on the principles of Torah. With the ability to be online with each other, we can walk this road of Torah together and somehow it does not seem quite so lonely. A listening ear is only a key stroke away.

My keystroke led to banishment, not blessing.

Do you know what it feels like to try to log on to a fellowship forum and see these words and get no explanation for 72 hours?

You have been permanently banned from this board.
Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.
A ban has been issued on your username.

This, after donating many dollars over the years as a loyal supporter and making other types of contributions. The sting was palpable.

Do you know what it feels like to invite numerous people to correspond by email or participate in discussions on a forum or blog and get no response? The discouragement is distressing.

I am beginning to withdraw from people once again, due to all this rejection I have been experiencing. People are things that hurt, and I am weary of wincing from the pain of the slights and slayings, not only in my personal situation, but in the banishments and baneful treatment shown to others I care about.

Along with YESHUA, we outcasts stand at the fellowship forum door and knock. Yet we are not even allowed to peer in the window (read posts or discuss the conversation elsewhere). Some messianic forums have become exclusive, private clubs for the elite, for those who will not rock the boat with contention. I am convinced YESHUA Himself would be banned from these forums. Yet Scripture admonishes us to earnestly contend for the faith (Jude).

Blogs are becoming private as well, so as not to invite dissenting discourse. It is one thing to block vulgarities, harassment, or abusiveness. It is another to block opposing views or discussion of controversial topics. I suppose it is just like Junior High, where there were cliques and you could not just walk up to a group of popular kids and join in the conversation. Yet the Scriptures rebuke this kind of prejudice (James 2).

I will try to manage to walk alone, alone....but it is not easy. I thank the LORD for the precious few who are kind enough to correspond with me on occasion. They are lifesavers.

My forgiveness is extended to all who have offended me. In these days of awe, I can do no less. September 11 is Yom Kippur. I hope my adversaries will extend forgiveness towards me and towards others they may have offended as well, for their own spiritual well being. Holding grudges is forbidden in Scripture. It hinders prayer. YESHUA instructs us to forgive seventy times seven, not “one strike and you’re out.” Restoration to fellowship is a component of full forgiveness. There are other ways of dealing with ‘troublemakers” besides the boot and excommunication. But this is how YESHUA and the first band of disciples were treated as well, so why should I be surprised.

I end with these words from a fellow lone traveler. I have re-posted them from a public blog, minus the names. I hope this is not another faux pas in not giving credit to the author. Where is the Internet Etiquette Guide so that I make no further blunders:

The only thing I really miss about Christmas was the feeling that the whole world was doing the same thing at the same time. On the other hand I remember [name deleted] saying one time that the "psychology of belonging" can make you do things you wouldn't ordinarily do. So in our aloneness, we must be strong and not go along just to belong. So I'll take a lone path to Succot instead. If you see me along The Way, please wave.

Attention Hidden Messianics: I am waving, but I don’t know where you are. Please come out of the woodwork and speak up. Let our voices be heard!


Anonymous said...

Hi Maureen.

Did you trying signing in before you tried to post a comment? I know the site was down and only recently came back up and I needed to log back in again myself. Try and see if that helps.


Tandi said...

Hi Lori,

It was weeks ago when I tried to post the comments and when I was banned. I just have not had the courage to speak up about it until now. Sarah Palin inspires me. I worry about backlash, but I need to give a voice to those who have gone before me in being marginalized from the conversation...and there are many. This goes beyond a couple of ministries...there is too much censorship of opinions going on throughout the Messianic movement. We are all so scattered in real life, and now we are scattered in cyberspace. May the LORD gather the Remnant and build a real sense of online community that puts up with one another's foibles, quirks, and questions and moves forward in pursuit of Torah truth.

It is good to hear from you, Lori. I miss everybody.