
Storm Clouds on the Horizon

Seven days after my grandson's birthday, the 11th storm of the hurricane season has formed, bearing his name oddly enough. A secondary storm system is already producing 20 foot waves in the Atlantic, heavy squalls of rain along the mid-Atlantic coast, and whirlwinds. Flooding is expected. Tropical storm Kyle seems to be headed towards New England, perhaps decadent Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod. We shall see if Kyle develops into another major, damaging storm, even as we try to recover from Hurricane Ike and the devastation of Galveston Island and other hard-hit areas that are still without power 11 days later.

Meanwhile, America is reeling from the crisis of its financial tsunami. We could be on the brink of what has been described as a financial catastrophe resulting in a Great Depression. If we go forward with the proposed Bailout plan, we will essentially become a Socialist government, similar to France 20 years ago from what I hear. I do not know much about Economics, but it sounds like we are in dire straits. The politicians in Washington trying to solve the problem are described as "in disarray" and "contentious." John McCain has suspended his campaign to attend to this crisis. Obama wants the scheduled debate to take place tomorrow night no matter what. Maybe Sarah Palin could fill in for McCain...the Queen Esther of our generation in the opinion of many (for such a time as this).

I could not sleep at all last night. This Bible passage kept coming to mind:

....distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth....

Luke 21:25-26

Pray for America....this could be the beginning of the end for this once great nation. We are a people who need the LORD but are tragically backslidden and apostate in large numbers. We refuse to call upon Him due to unbelief. What will befall us in the coming days?

If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Update: 9/26

From today's Bible Pathway....

The LORD hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm...

The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.

Nahum 1:3, 7


Anonymous said...

Hello Tandi,

The passage in Chronicles does not apply to America. It was written for ancient Israel.

I am very upset with the American econimic system. How is it that the government is trying to bail out the big-money, white-collar gamblers who bet money they did not have and failed? Why not bail out the working class? McCain is part of the past deregulatory movements that created this mess.

Economic democracy is needed. Viva La Revolution!

Tandi said...
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Tandi said...

Hello Peter,

In your view it seems that no passage of Scripture is applicable to any of us today. I read the Bible as applicable to me in myriad ways. Why would God not want to communicate with His Creation? Why would He not have left us instructions and guidance?

He DID leave us instructions and guidance. We have it in the Bible.

Ninevah, the capital of Assyria, lasted another 150 years due to repentance. The citizenry averted their doom for generations due to fasting and prayer and turning from their wicked ways (heeding the words of Jonah who was sent from God with a message).

Suggested reading: Amos through Malachi.
See also Bible Pathway online daily commentary for these chapters at my sidebar.

Re: Economics......I can agree with you there up to a point. Not sure about the Revolution though. What do you have in mind? You are reminding me of my Jefferson Airplane (Volunteers) radical recording of 1969! [comments deleted]. Strange how the times seem to be somewhat similar. Nothing new under the sun. The hippies in my day were at first seemingly well-intentioned, but naive. The "peace movement" degenerated into debauchery and anarchy. Nothing good can come from sources hostile to the LORD God. True peace and wisdom comes from God. YESHUA is our only hope.

[This is the edited version of my original post. My hippie nostalgia had blotted out the crude and rebellious realities of the music I used to listen to...I do NOT endorse or recommend it!]