
The Ten Commandments Song

Music by Yanni (With an Orchid/If I Could Tell You)
Lyrics by Renah (2005)

This was the last song written on the highways of America before I retired from the stresses of the road. I thought white line fever might beckon me back....but I have been fairly content at home in the office the past three years.

Genesis of the song:

It bothered me that Ten Commandments plaques and monuments were being ordered removed from public buildings and public property throughout America. In protest, citizens posted Ten Commandments lawn signs in their own front yards. Yet it seemed so hypocritical that Americans, especially Christians, did not live by the Ten Commandments....and most could not recite them from memory. Most Christians consider them obsolete and irrelevant to today’s world. How many Christian families post these Commandments in their own homes and teach them to their own children? Sadly, very few it seems.

I imagined an assembly of young children singing this song in a school presentation.....and their parents coming under conviction to keep the commandments of God, including the Sabbath....but I never had the nerve to approach the music director at the grandkids’ Baptist school.

The video at the sidebar link (With an Orchid) will provide the music to go with these lyrics. The photos from Oriental gardens just enhance the thought that God’s commandments are for people everywhere, not just Jewish people. God’s Covenant People are grafted in to the Olive Tree.....yet we come from every nation and tongue under Heaven. We are One People, having been brought out of the bondage of false religion, the bondage of alcohol, the bondage of slavery to sin, the bondage of our own lower nature.

I like the way the video ends with a view of the Mountain.

The Ten Commandments Song

Musical prelude.....then...

Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me

O Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me

Thou shalt not have other gods before Me
Thou shalt not commit idolatry against Me

Thou shalt not take
My Name in vain

Remember the Sabbath day
To keep it holy.....holy

Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me

O Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me

Honor thy father and thy mother
That it may be well with thee

Thou shalt not kill
Nor commit adultery

Thou shalt not steal
How would you feel?

Do unto others
As you would have them do to you

Remember...repeat refrain twice

Thou shalt not bear false witness
Thou shalt not lie

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods
Or his wife

O that there were
Such a heart in them
That they would fear Me
And keep
My precepts always
And always

O that there were such an heart in them.

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