I wonder how many will celebrate this evening.........as Israel and Hamas continue a fight that could lead to conflagration. Some Arab countries are canceling celebrations due to the dire events and bloodshed. Will America cancel its reveling? No matter what side of the conflict you are on, consider a time of reflection tonight. Who can make sense of the situation.......even Palestinians are divided about who is to blame. Some reports indicate that the Palestinian Authority is complicit in the destruction of Hamas. Regardless, lives are being lost and this could escalate to unprecedented horrors.
It is easy for me to fast and pray. I have no social plans anyway. Will those who do have plans sacrifice anything to petition the LORD in prayer? Perilous times are upon us. The hatred spills over to our cities. A molotov cocktail was lobbed at a synagogue in Chicago on Monday.
We must seek God, pray for understanding, and take the side of righteousness and justice.
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.......Psalm 91
....ponder the path of life...for the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He pondereth all his goings. (Proverbs 5:6,21)
Psalm 1
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly
Nor standeth in the way of sinners
Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful
But his delight is in the law of the LORD
And in His law doth he meditate day and night
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water
That bringeth forth his fruit in his season
His leaf also shall not wither
And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper
The ungodly are not so
But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment
Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous
For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous
But the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Nor standeth in the way of sinners
Nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful
But his delight is in the law of the LORD
And in His law doth he meditate day and night
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water
That bringeth forth his fruit in his season
His leaf also shall not wither
And whatsoever he doeth shall prosper
The ungodly are not so
But are like the chaff which the wind driveth away
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment
Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous
For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous
But the way of the ungodly shall perish.
.....Notwithstanding....Christ is Preached......(Phil. 1:18)
I was not aware that Handel's Messiah was a Biblical Gospel Presentation in song. I have never seen a performance. I came across the "lyrics" and was impressed because of the faithfulness to Scripture. Click on the title link for a news article about the wealth of word painting the artist incorporated into this masterpiece. Apparently I have been missing something I might enjoy. I hope those who have attended a performance, participated in one, or who listen to a recording fully appreciate the truths conveyed.
Handel's Messiah
George Frederic Handel (1695-1759)
[The libretto for Messiah was designed and selected from the New and Old Testaments with utmost care by Charles Jennens (1700-73), a literary scholar and editor of Shakespeare's plays who was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.]
Part I
(1) Overture
(2) Comfort Ye
Isaiah 40:1-3
1. Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned. . . .
3. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
(3) Every Valley
Isaiah 40:4
4. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain.
(4) And the Glory of the LORD
Isaiah 40:5
5. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
(5) Thus Saith the LORD
Haggai 2:6,7
6. For thus saith the LORD of Hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; 7. And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come
Malachi 3:1
1. The LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: Behold, He shall come, saith the LORD of Hosts.
(6) But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming?
Malachi 3:2
2. But who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner's fire.
(7) And He shall Purify
Malachi 3:3
3. And He shall purify the sons of Levi. . . that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.
(8) Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive
Isaiah 7:14 (Matthew 1:23)
Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call his name EMMANUEL, God with us.
(9) O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion
Isaiah 40:9
9. O Zion that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!
Isaiah 60:1
1. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
(10) For Behold, Darkness shall Cover the Earth
Isaiah 60:2,3
2. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. 3. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.
(11) The People that Walked in Darkness
Isaiah 9:2 (Matthew 3:16)
2. The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.
(12) For Unto Us a Child is Born
Isaiah 9:6
6. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
(13) Pastoral Symphony
(14) There were Shepherds Abiding in the Field
Luke 2:8
8. There were.....shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night.
Luke 2:9
9. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
(15) And the Angel Said unto Them
Luke 2:10,11
10. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
(16) And Suddenly there was with the Angel
Luke 2:13
13. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
(17) Glory to God
Luke 2:14
14. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
(18) Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion
Zechariah 9:9,10 (Matthew 21:5)
9. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee. He is just, and having salvation... 10. . . And he shall speak peace unto the heathen.
(19) Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind
Isaiah 35:5,6
5. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. 6. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing.
(20) He Shall Feed his Flock like a Shepherd
Isaiah 40:11
11. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
Matthew 11:28, 29
28. Come unto [Him], all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and [He shall] give you rest. 29. Take [His] yoke upon you, and learn of [Him]; for [He is] meek and lowly of heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
(21) His Yoke is Easy
Matthew 11:30
30. [His] yoke is easy, and [His]burden is light.
Part II
(22) Behold the Lamb of God
John 1:29
29.Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world.
(23) He was Despised
Isaiah 53:3
3. He is despised and rejected of men: a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. . . Isaiah 50:6 [He]gave [His] back to the smiters, and [His] cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: [He] hid not [His] face from shame and spitting.
(24) Surely He Hath Borne our Griefs
Isaiah 53:4,5
4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. . . . 5. . . He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him,
(25) And With His Stripes we are Healed
Isaiah 53:5b
5. And with His stripes we are healed
(26) All we Like Sheep have Gone Astray
Isaiah 53:6
6. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
(27) All They that See Him Laugh him to Scorn
Psalm 22:7
7. All they that see [Him] laugh [Him] to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying:
(28) He Trusted in God
Psalm 22:8 (Matthew 27:43)
He trusted [in God] that he would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him, if He delight in Him.
(29) Thy Rebuke hath Broken His Heart
Psalm 69:20
20. Reproach hath broken [His] heart; [He is] full of heaviness. [He] looked for some to take pity [on Him], but there was none; and for comforters, but [He] found none.
(30) Behold, and See if There be any Sorrow
Lamentations 1:12
12. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto [His] sorrow. . .
(31) H He was Cut Off out of the Land of the Living
Isaiah 53:8b
8. He was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of [Thy] people was He stricken.
(32) But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell
Psalm 16:10 (Acts 2:27)
10. [But] thou [didst] not leave [His] soul in hell; neither [didst] thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
(33) Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates
Psalm 24:7-10
7. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. 8. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 9. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. 10. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of Hosts, He is the King of Glory.
(34) Unto Which of the Angels Said He at Any Time
Hebrews 1:5 (Psalm 2:7)
5. For unto which of the angels said He at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?
(35) Let All the Angels of God Worship Him
Hebrews 1:6b
6. "Let all the angels of God worship Him."
(36) Thou art Gone Up on High
Psalm 68:18 (Ephesians 4:8)
18. Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led captivity captive, Thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.
(37) The Lord Gave the Word
Psalm 68:11
11. The LORD gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.
(38) How Beautiful are the Feet
Romans 10:15 (Isaiah 52:7)
15. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
(39) Their Sound is Gone Out
Romans 10:18 (Psalm 19:4)
18. Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
(40) Why Do the Nations so Furiously Rage Together?
Psalm 2:1,2 (Acts 4:25-26)
1. Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2. The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His Anointed, saying
(41) Let us Break their Bonds Asunder
Psalm 2:3
3. Let us break their bonds asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
(42) He that Dwelleth in Heaven
Psalm 2:4
4. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision.
(43) Thou Shalt Break Them
Psalm 2:9
9. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
(44) Hallelujah
Revelation 19:6
6. Hallelujah! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Revelation 11:15
15. . . . the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ: and He shall reign for ever and ever.
Revelation 19:16
Part III
(45) I Know that my Redeemer Liveth
Job 19:25, 26
25. I know that my redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.
1 Corinthians 15:20
20. [For] now is Christ risen from the dead. . . the firstfruits of them that [sleep].
(46) Since by Man came Death
1 Corinthians 15:21,22
21. Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
(47) Behold I Tell you a Mystery
1 Corinthians 15:51,52
51. Behold, I shew you a mystery: We shall not all sleep; but we shall all be changed, 52. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trump;
(48) The Trumpet Shall Sound
1 Corinthians 15:52b-53
52. The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
(49) Then Shall be Brought to Pass
1 Corinthians 15:54b (Isaiah 25:8)
54. Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, 'Death is swallowed up in victory.'
(50) O Death Where is Thy Sting?
1 Corinthians 15:55-56 (Hosea 13:14)
55. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56. The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
(51) But Thanks be to God
1 Corinthians 15:57
57. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
(52) If God Be For Us
Romans 8:31, 33, 34
31. If God be for us, who can be against us?
33. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.
34. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is at the right hand of God, who makes intercession for us.
(53) Worthy is the Lamb
Revelation 5:12, 13
12. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. 13. . . . Blessing, and honour, and glory and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Amen.
Credit to Bruce Johnson for the lyrics and basic format. I made some slight edits to conform to KJV text.
Handel's Messiah
George Frederic Handel (1695-1759)
[The libretto for Messiah was designed and selected from the New and Old Testaments with utmost care by Charles Jennens (1700-73), a literary scholar and editor of Shakespeare's plays who was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.]
Part I
(1) Overture
(2) Comfort Ye
Isaiah 40:1-3
1. Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned. . . .
3. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
(3) Every Valley
Isaiah 40:4
4. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain.
(4) And the Glory of the LORD
Isaiah 40:5
5. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
(5) Thus Saith the LORD
Haggai 2:6,7
6. For thus saith the LORD of Hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; 7. And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come
Malachi 3:1
1. The LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: Behold, He shall come, saith the LORD of Hosts.
(6) But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming?
Malachi 3:2
2. But who may abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner's fire.
(7) And He shall Purify
Malachi 3:3
3. And He shall purify the sons of Levi. . . that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.
(8) Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive
Isaiah 7:14 (Matthew 1:23)
Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call his name EMMANUEL, God with us.
(9) O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion
Isaiah 40:9
9. O Zion that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!
Isaiah 60:1
1. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
(10) For Behold, Darkness shall Cover the Earth
Isaiah 60:2,3
2. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. 3. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.
(11) The People that Walked in Darkness
Isaiah 9:2 (Matthew 3:16)
2. The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.
(12) For Unto Us a Child is Born
Isaiah 9:6
6. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
(13) Pastoral Symphony
(14) There were Shepherds Abiding in the Field
Luke 2:8
8. There were.....shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night.
Luke 2:9
9. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
(15) And the Angel Said unto Them
Luke 2:10,11
10. And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
(16) And Suddenly there was with the Angel
Luke 2:13
13. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
(17) Glory to God
Luke 2:14
14. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
(18) Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion
Zechariah 9:9,10 (Matthew 21:5)
9. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee. He is just, and having salvation... 10. . . And he shall speak peace unto the heathen.
(19) Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind
Isaiah 35:5,6
5. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. 6. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing.
(20) He Shall Feed his Flock like a Shepherd
Isaiah 40:11
11. He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.
Matthew 11:28, 29
28. Come unto [Him], all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and [He shall] give you rest. 29. Take [His] yoke upon you, and learn of [Him]; for [He is] meek and lowly of heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
(21) His Yoke is Easy
Matthew 11:30
30. [His] yoke is easy, and [His]burden is light.
Part II
(22) Behold the Lamb of God
John 1:29
29.Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world.
(23) He was Despised
Isaiah 53:3
3. He is despised and rejected of men: a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. . . Isaiah 50:6 [He]gave [His] back to the smiters, and [His] cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: [He] hid not [His] face from shame and spitting.
(24) Surely He Hath Borne our Griefs
Isaiah 53:4,5
4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows. . . . 5. . . He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him,
(25) And With His Stripes we are Healed
Isaiah 53:5b
5. And with His stripes we are healed
(26) All we Like Sheep have Gone Astray
Isaiah 53:6
6. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
(27) All They that See Him Laugh him to Scorn
Psalm 22:7
7. All they that see [Him] laugh [Him] to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying:
(28) He Trusted in God
Psalm 22:8 (Matthew 27:43)
He trusted [in God] that he would deliver Him: let Him deliver Him, if He delight in Him.
(29) Thy Rebuke hath Broken His Heart
Psalm 69:20
20. Reproach hath broken [His] heart; [He is] full of heaviness. [He] looked for some to take pity [on Him], but there was none; and for comforters, but [He] found none.
(30) Behold, and See if There be any Sorrow
Lamentations 1:12
12. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto [His] sorrow. . .
(31) H He was Cut Off out of the Land of the Living
Isaiah 53:8b
8. He was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of [Thy] people was He stricken.
(32) But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell
Psalm 16:10 (Acts 2:27)
10. [But] thou [didst] not leave [His] soul in hell; neither [didst] thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
(33) Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates
Psalm 24:7-10
7. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. 8. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. 9. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. 10. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of Hosts, He is the King of Glory.
(34) Unto Which of the Angels Said He at Any Time
Hebrews 1:5 (Psalm 2:7)
5. For unto which of the angels said He at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee?
(35) Let All the Angels of God Worship Him
Hebrews 1:6b
6. "Let all the angels of God worship Him."
(36) Thou art Gone Up on High
Psalm 68:18 (Ephesians 4:8)
18. Thou hast ascended on high, Thou hast led captivity captive, Thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell among them.
(37) The Lord Gave the Word
Psalm 68:11
11. The LORD gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.
(38) How Beautiful are the Feet
Romans 10:15 (Isaiah 52:7)
15. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
(39) Their Sound is Gone Out
Romans 10:18 (Psalm 19:4)
18. Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
(40) Why Do the Nations so Furiously Rage Together?
Psalm 2:1,2 (Acts 4:25-26)
1. Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2. The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His Anointed, saying
(41) Let us Break their Bonds Asunder
Psalm 2:3
3. Let us break their bonds asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
(42) He that Dwelleth in Heaven
Psalm 2:4
4. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision.
(43) Thou Shalt Break Them
Psalm 2:9
9. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
(44) Hallelujah
Revelation 19:6
6. Hallelujah! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Revelation 11:15
15. . . . the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ: and He shall reign for ever and ever.
Revelation 19:16
Part III
(45) I Know that my Redeemer Liveth
Job 19:25, 26
25. I know that my redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: 26. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.
1 Corinthians 15:20
20. [For] now is Christ risen from the dead. . . the firstfruits of them that [sleep].
(46) Since by Man came Death
1 Corinthians 15:21,22
21. Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
(47) Behold I Tell you a Mystery
1 Corinthians 15:51,52
51. Behold, I shew you a mystery: We shall not all sleep; but we shall all be changed, 52. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trump;
(48) The Trumpet Shall Sound
1 Corinthians 15:52b-53
52. The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
(49) Then Shall be Brought to Pass
1 Corinthians 15:54b (Isaiah 25:8)
54. Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, 'Death is swallowed up in victory.'
(50) O Death Where is Thy Sting?
1 Corinthians 15:55-56 (Hosea 13:14)
55. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56. The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
(51) But Thanks be to God
1 Corinthians 15:57
57. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
(52) If God Be For Us
Romans 8:31, 33, 34
31. If God be for us, who can be against us?
33. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.
34. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is at the right hand of God, who makes intercession for us.
(53) Worthy is the Lamb
Revelation 5:12, 13
12. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. 13. . . . Blessing, and honour, and glory and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Amen.
Credit to Bruce Johnson for the lyrics and basic format. I made some slight edits to conform to KJV text.
Melchizedek: King of Righteousness and Justice
Music by Yanni (Snowfall/Turn of the Tide)
Lyrics by Renah
(click on title for Amazon link to music)
Here is another song written on the road as I pondered. This one was written in 2002/2003. Discussion welcome about the nature of Melchizedek. Has anyone else come to the same conclusion/revelation.....that Jesus/Yeshua and Melchizedek are synonymous?
Shadows and similitudes.......sublime teachings of Scripture (KJV)!
Melchizedek, who is He
Melchizedek, could it be
The Holy One.....in disguise
I have come to realize....
Abraham gave tithe
To Melchizedek
Just who was this “Man”
He owed a debt......
(Repeat choruses)
An epiphany
A theophany
Like a symphony
God is One
(Genesis 14; Psalm 110:4; Isaiah 17:7; Luke 4:34; Hebrews 5, 6, 7)
Lyrics by Renah
(click on title for Amazon link to music)
Here is another song written on the road as I pondered. This one was written in 2002/2003. Discussion welcome about the nature of Melchizedek. Has anyone else come to the same conclusion/revelation.....that Jesus/Yeshua and Melchizedek are synonymous?
Shadows and similitudes.......sublime teachings of Scripture (KJV)!
Melchizedek, who is He
Melchizedek, could it be
The Holy One.....in disguise
I have come to realize....
Abraham gave tithe
To Melchizedek
Just who was this “Man”
He owed a debt......
(Repeat choruses)
An epiphany
A theophany
Like a symphony
God is One
(Genesis 14; Psalm 110:4; Isaiah 17:7; Luke 4:34; Hebrews 5, 6, 7)
Winter Wonder
Music by Yanni [True Nature/Snowfall...for music see sidebar]
Lyrics by Renah
This is a song written several years ago during the winter months of our driveaway travels. I was appreciating the beauty of winter and the changing seasons. Hormonal hot flashes helped me appreciate the chill of winter for the first time in my life. I continue to have “thermostat problems.” As a result, I can be described as snippy, clammy, and other less than flattering appellatives. I wonder when this transition will resolve. Ten years seems long enough.
It was interesting that the trees lost their leaves in places like Tennessee/Georgia for only about a month or six weeks. The temperatures stayed mild, but the deciduous trees still needed to rest awhile from their fruitfulness.
I also needed to rest awhile, retiring from the stresses of the highway in 2005....but it is time to get back to fruitfulness. I kind of miss the adventures of traveling and the opportunities to write songs. Yet I do not miss little old ladies spinning out in front of me in a Wyoming blizzard. Thank the LORD for the miracle of missing her as she came to a stop sideways in the middle of the highway. And the additional miracle of the semi behind me missing her as well. Then there was the time my windshield wipers froze and I could not see.......good thing we were at a crawl in another snowstorm, snaking our way up and down mountain highways......maybe I’ll continue to stay home where life is a little less exciting.
Winter Wonder
Winter’s a wonder
Kentucky wonder
Softer than thunder
The snow upon the hillside
I’d like a sleigh ride
Across a frosty field
God made the seasons
And He knows the reasons
For trees to be barren
A chill in the air suits me
Winter’s a wonder
An Indiana wonder
So meek and mild
Where is the wild storm
Howling storm
Winter’s a wonder
It is a wonder
Softer than thunder
The snow upon the pine trees
I like a pine breeze
As I trot the trails
God made the seasons
And He knows the reasons
For trees to be barren
A chill in the air suits me
A chill in the air exhilarates me
Winter’s a wonder
A Wyoming wonder
The wind gets riled
Here is the wild storm
Raging storm
A grey snow sky
The gift of Adonai
Winter’s a wonder
It is a wonder
Softer than thunder
Snowflakes fall on me
God made the seasons
And He knows the reasons
For trees to be barren
A chill in the air suits me
A chill in the air invigorates me
A grey snow sky
The gift of Adonai........
Lyrics by Renah
This is a song written several years ago during the winter months of our driveaway travels. I was appreciating the beauty of winter and the changing seasons. Hormonal hot flashes helped me appreciate the chill of winter for the first time in my life. I continue to have “thermostat problems.” As a result, I can be described as snippy, clammy, and other less than flattering appellatives. I wonder when this transition will resolve. Ten years seems long enough.
It was interesting that the trees lost their leaves in places like Tennessee/Georgia for only about a month or six weeks. The temperatures stayed mild, but the deciduous trees still needed to rest awhile from their fruitfulness.
I also needed to rest awhile, retiring from the stresses of the highway in 2005....but it is time to get back to fruitfulness. I kind of miss the adventures of traveling and the opportunities to write songs. Yet I do not miss little old ladies spinning out in front of me in a Wyoming blizzard. Thank the LORD for the miracle of missing her as she came to a stop sideways in the middle of the highway. And the additional miracle of the semi behind me missing her as well. Then there was the time my windshield wipers froze and I could not see.......good thing we were at a crawl in another snowstorm, snaking our way up and down mountain highways......maybe I’ll continue to stay home where life is a little less exciting.
Winter Wonder
Winter’s a wonder
Kentucky wonder
Softer than thunder
The snow upon the hillside
I’d like a sleigh ride
Across a frosty field
God made the seasons
And He knows the reasons
For trees to be barren
A chill in the air suits me
Winter’s a wonder
An Indiana wonder
So meek and mild
Where is the wild storm
Howling storm
Winter’s a wonder
It is a wonder
Softer than thunder
The snow upon the pine trees
I like a pine breeze
As I trot the trails
God made the seasons
And He knows the reasons
For trees to be barren
A chill in the air suits me
A chill in the air exhilarates me
Winter’s a wonder
A Wyoming wonder
The wind gets riled
Here is the wild storm
Raging storm
A grey snow sky
The gift of Adonai
Winter’s a wonder
It is a wonder
Softer than thunder
Snowflakes fall on me
God made the seasons
And He knows the reasons
For trees to be barren
A chill in the air suits me
A chill in the air invigorates me
A grey snow sky
The gift of Adonai........
A Maccabean History Lesson
1 Not long after this the king sent an old man of Athens to compel the Jews to depart from the laws of their fathers, and not to live after the laws of God:
2 And to pollute also the temple in Jerusalem, and to call it the temple of Jupiter Olympius; and that in Garizim, of Jupiter the Defender of strangers, as they did desire that dwelt in the place.
3 The coming in of this mischief was sore and grievous to the people:
4 For the temple was filled with riot and revelling by the Gentiles, who dallied with harlots, and had to do with women within the circuit of the holy places, and besides that brought in things that were not lawful.
5 The altar also was filled with profane things, which the law forbiddeth.
6 Neither was it lawful for a man to keep sabbath days or ancient fasts, or to profess himself at all to be a Jew.
7 And in the day of the king's birth every month they were brought by bitter constraint to eat of the sacrifices; and when the fast of Bacchus was kept, the Jews were compelled to go in procession to Bacchus, carrying ivy.
8 Moreover there went out a decree to the neighbour cities of the heathen, by the suggestion of Ptolemee, against the Jews, that they should observe the same fashions, and be partakers of their sacrifices:
9 And whoso would not conform themselves to the manners of the Gentiles should be put to death. Then might a man have seen the present misery.
10 For there were two women brought, who had circumcised their children; whom when they had openly led round about the city, the babes hanging at their breasts, they cast them down headlong from the wall.
11 And others, that had run together into caves near by, to keep the sabbath day secretly, being discovered by Philip, were all burnt together, because they made a conscience to help themselves for the honour of the most sacred day.
12 Now I beseech those that read this book, that they be not discouraged for these calamities, but that they judge those punishments not to be for destruction, but for a chastening of our nation.
13 For it is a token of his great goodness, when wicked doers are not suffered any long time, but forthwith punished.
14 For not as with other nations, whom the Lord patiently forbeareth to punish, till they be come to the fulness of their sins, so dealeth he with us,
15 Lest that, being come to the height of sin, afterwards he should take vengeance of us.
16 And therefore he never withdraweth his mercy from us: and though he punish with adversity, yet doth he never forsake his people.
17 But let this that we at spoken be for a warning unto us. And now will we come to the declaring of the matter in a few words.
18 Eleazar, one of the principal scribes, an aged man, and of a well favoured countenance, was constrained to open his mouth, and to eat swine's flesh.
19 But he, choosing rather to die gloriously, than to live stained with such an abomination, spit it forth, and came of his own accord to the torment,
20 As it behoved them to come, that are resolute to stand out against such things, as are not lawful for love of life to be tasted.
21 But they that had the charge of that wicked feast, for the old acquaintance they had with the man, taking him aside, besought him to bring flesh of his own provision, such as was lawful for him to use, and make as if he did eat of the flesh taken from the sacrifice commanded by the king;
22 That in so doing he might be delivered from death, and for the old friendship with them find favour.
23 But he began to consider discreetly, and as became his age, and the excellency of his ancient years, and the honour of his gray head, whereon was come, and his most honest education from a child, or rather the holy law made and given by God: therefore he answered accordingly, and willed them straightways to send him to the grave.
24 For it becometh not our age, said he, in any wise to dissemble, whereby many young persons might think that Eleazar, being fourscore years old and ten, were now gone to a strange religion;
25 And so they through mine hypocrisy, and desire to live a little time and a moment longer, should be deceived by me, and I get a stain to mine old age, and make it abominable.
26 For though for the present time I should be delivered from the punishment of men: yet should I not escape the hand of the Almighty, neither alive, nor dead.
27 Wherefore now, manfully changing this life, I will shew myself such an one as mine age requireth,
28 And leave a notable example to such as be young to die willingly and courageously for the honourable and holy laws. And when he had said these words, immediately he went to the torment:
29 They that led him changing the good will they bare him a little before into hatred, because the foresaid speeches proceeded, as they thought, from a desperate mind.
30 But when he was ready to die with stripes, he groaned, and said, It is manifest unto the Lord, that hath the holy knowledge, that whereas I might have been delivered from death, I now endure sore pains in body by being beaten: but in soul am well content to suffer these things, because I fear him.
31 And thus this man died, leaving his death for an example of a noble courage, and a memorial of virtue, not only unto young men, but unto all his nation.
2 Maccabees 6
2 And to pollute also the temple in Jerusalem, and to call it the temple of Jupiter Olympius; and that in Garizim, of Jupiter the Defender of strangers, as they did desire that dwelt in the place.
3 The coming in of this mischief was sore and grievous to the people:
4 For the temple was filled with riot and revelling by the Gentiles, who dallied with harlots, and had to do with women within the circuit of the holy places, and besides that brought in things that were not lawful.
5 The altar also was filled with profane things, which the law forbiddeth.
6 Neither was it lawful for a man to keep sabbath days or ancient fasts, or to profess himself at all to be a Jew.
7 And in the day of the king's birth every month they were brought by bitter constraint to eat of the sacrifices; and when the fast of Bacchus was kept, the Jews were compelled to go in procession to Bacchus, carrying ivy.
8 Moreover there went out a decree to the neighbour cities of the heathen, by the suggestion of Ptolemee, against the Jews, that they should observe the same fashions, and be partakers of their sacrifices:
9 And whoso would not conform themselves to the manners of the Gentiles should be put to death. Then might a man have seen the present misery.
10 For there were two women brought, who had circumcised their children; whom when they had openly led round about the city, the babes hanging at their breasts, they cast them down headlong from the wall.
11 And others, that had run together into caves near by, to keep the sabbath day secretly, being discovered by Philip, were all burnt together, because they made a conscience to help themselves for the honour of the most sacred day.
12 Now I beseech those that read this book, that they be not discouraged for these calamities, but that they judge those punishments not to be for destruction, but for a chastening of our nation.
13 For it is a token of his great goodness, when wicked doers are not suffered any long time, but forthwith punished.
14 For not as with other nations, whom the Lord patiently forbeareth to punish, till they be come to the fulness of their sins, so dealeth he with us,
15 Lest that, being come to the height of sin, afterwards he should take vengeance of us.
16 And therefore he never withdraweth his mercy from us: and though he punish with adversity, yet doth he never forsake his people.
17 But let this that we at spoken be for a warning unto us. And now will we come to the declaring of the matter in a few words.
18 Eleazar, one of the principal scribes, an aged man, and of a well favoured countenance, was constrained to open his mouth, and to eat swine's flesh.
19 But he, choosing rather to die gloriously, than to live stained with such an abomination, spit it forth, and came of his own accord to the torment,
20 As it behoved them to come, that are resolute to stand out against such things, as are not lawful for love of life to be tasted.
21 But they that had the charge of that wicked feast, for the old acquaintance they had with the man, taking him aside, besought him to bring flesh of his own provision, such as was lawful for him to use, and make as if he did eat of the flesh taken from the sacrifice commanded by the king;
22 That in so doing he might be delivered from death, and for the old friendship with them find favour.
23 But he began to consider discreetly, and as became his age, and the excellency of his ancient years, and the honour of his gray head, whereon was come, and his most honest education from a child, or rather the holy law made and given by God: therefore he answered accordingly, and willed them straightways to send him to the grave.
24 For it becometh not our age, said he, in any wise to dissemble, whereby many young persons might think that Eleazar, being fourscore years old and ten, were now gone to a strange religion;
25 And so they through mine hypocrisy, and desire to live a little time and a moment longer, should be deceived by me, and I get a stain to mine old age, and make it abominable.
26 For though for the present time I should be delivered from the punishment of men: yet should I not escape the hand of the Almighty, neither alive, nor dead.
27 Wherefore now, manfully changing this life, I will shew myself such an one as mine age requireth,
28 And leave a notable example to such as be young to die willingly and courageously for the honourable and holy laws. And when he had said these words, immediately he went to the torment:
29 They that led him changing the good will they bare him a little before into hatred, because the foresaid speeches proceeded, as they thought, from a desperate mind.
30 But when he was ready to die with stripes, he groaned, and said, It is manifest unto the Lord, that hath the holy knowledge, that whereas I might have been delivered from death, I now endure sore pains in body by being beaten: but in soul am well content to suffer these things, because I fear him.
31 And thus this man died, leaving his death for an example of a noble courage, and a memorial of virtue, not only unto young men, but unto all his nation.
2 Maccabees 6
A Day in the Life
My daughter sent me this email yesterday. It brightened my day.
Good Morning and Good Night.........
Well, good morning Mom. I'm sure you will be getting up pretty soon. It's almost 4am. So probably in another hour, you will be up. Me? Well, I am getting ready to head to bed for the night. Why so late, you ask? Let me tell you....
I went to bed at midnight but Chris was reading in bed and I couldn't fall asleep with his little light on. So, I laid awake waiting for him to finish. About 12:45am, Chris and I both thought we heard Alexia cry but it was brief and we didn't hear it again. She had slept on the recliner in the gameroom upstairs...because she never wants to sleep in her own room. Since we didn't hear her anymore, we thought things must be fine...but something told me to get up and check. And boy were things not fine. Not fine at all. Alexia was downstairs and had just come out of the bathroom when she told me that she had gotten sick all over the place. I hadn't turned the light on yet, so I didn't see anything. I asked her where the mess was and she said you will know it when you see it. I turned the gameroom light on and there was purplish-red liquid sprayed all over the floor, recliner, 2 big blankets, teddy, blankie, and the stereo speakers. But wait.....that's not all. Then as she tried to run downstairs to get to the bathroom...she didn't quite make it. The last 5 stairs, surrounding wall and wood floor at the bottom...also sprayed with that nice purplish-red liquid. I didn't even know where to begin. Well, as I tried to think of what she had eaten that would come out that color...I remembered. What is the worst thing you could spill on a carpet? Yup...you guessed it....she had drank 100% pure Welch's grape juice for dinner and now it is all over my house. I used my carpet shampooer to suck up as much as I could. Then I tried every trick I've ever heard to clean grape juice out of carpets but nothing worked. Apparently, once you mix stomach acid with grape juice...there is nothing that can touch it. So, now I have a nice purple pattern on my stairs and gameroom floor that we will be stuck with until we replace the carpets...which we had no plans of doing anytime soon.
So, now I am wide awake at 4am after doing 2 loads of "sick" laundry and scrubbing the floors with every cleaning agent known to man. Alexia seems fine now...no more episodes, but she will stay home from school tomorrow just to be safe...plus I need to sleep sometime and if I went to work tomorrow, I would probably only get about 1 hour of sleep...if that.
So, as you get up and start your day with a nice cup of coffee and a little internet time...think of me and be glad you are where you are in life and that you are not here cleaning up the grape juice vomit of 8 year old little girls. I envy you.
Good morning and good night,
I wrote back with my sympathies, while indeed counting my blessings for my current lifestyle, and asked why Lexi decided to run all the way downstairs. I also suggested having a bucket or something handy in case of sickness, like we did back in the day. Her answer.......
Believe it or not we still have that old aluminum spaghetti pan. It served as an RV wash bucket in our Driveaway travels. A truly multi-use vessel. It is now enjoying semi-retirement on a shelf in the workshop. It has been around since my own childhood. I remember Mom's spaghetti and meatballs simmering on the stove. I also remember our own pot of spaghetti sauce and Pat getting mad at me one time and flinging it all over the floor and ceiling. Ahhh....the fond memories.
Good Morning and Good Night.........
Well, good morning Mom. I'm sure you will be getting up pretty soon. It's almost 4am. So probably in another hour, you will be up. Me? Well, I am getting ready to head to bed for the night. Why so late, you ask? Let me tell you....
I went to bed at midnight but Chris was reading in bed and I couldn't fall asleep with his little light on. So, I laid awake waiting for him to finish. About 12:45am, Chris and I both thought we heard Alexia cry but it was brief and we didn't hear it again. She had slept on the recliner in the gameroom upstairs...because she never wants to sleep in her own room. Since we didn't hear her anymore, we thought things must be fine...but something told me to get up and check. And boy were things not fine. Not fine at all. Alexia was downstairs and had just come out of the bathroom when she told me that she had gotten sick all over the place. I hadn't turned the light on yet, so I didn't see anything. I asked her where the mess was and she said you will know it when you see it. I turned the gameroom light on and there was purplish-red liquid sprayed all over the floor, recliner, 2 big blankets, teddy, blankie, and the stereo speakers. But wait.....that's not all. Then as she tried to run downstairs to get to the bathroom...she didn't quite make it. The last 5 stairs, surrounding wall and wood floor at the bottom...also sprayed with that nice purplish-red liquid. I didn't even know where to begin. Well, as I tried to think of what she had eaten that would come out that color...I remembered. What is the worst thing you could spill on a carpet? Yup...you guessed it....she had drank 100% pure Welch's grape juice for dinner and now it is all over my house. I used my carpet shampooer to suck up as much as I could. Then I tried every trick I've ever heard to clean grape juice out of carpets but nothing worked. Apparently, once you mix stomach acid with grape juice...there is nothing that can touch it. So, now I have a nice purple pattern on my stairs and gameroom floor that we will be stuck with until we replace the carpets...which we had no plans of doing anytime soon.
So, now I am wide awake at 4am after doing 2 loads of "sick" laundry and scrubbing the floors with every cleaning agent known to man. Alexia seems fine now...no more episodes, but she will stay home from school tomorrow just to be safe...plus I need to sleep sometime and if I went to work tomorrow, I would probably only get about 1 hour of sleep...if that.
So, as you get up and start your day with a nice cup of coffee and a little internet time...think of me and be glad you are where you are in life and that you are not here cleaning up the grape juice vomit of 8 year old little girls. I envy you.
Good morning and good night,
I wrote back with my sympathies, while indeed counting my blessings for my current lifestyle, and asked why Lexi decided to run all the way downstairs. I also suggested having a bucket or something handy in case of sickness, like we did back in the day. Her answer.......
Alexia slept in the gameroom, which is an open loft type room. Her bathroom options were mine or the one she shared with Austin or downstairs. She said she chose downstairs because there were less doors in her way to go through. She thought she had a better chance of running down the stairs and going straight into that bathroom rather than have to go through several doors. Her bathroom is between her room and Austin's room but can only be accessed by going through one of the bedrooms. None of them were very conveniently located. We don't usually set out "puke buckets" unless we know we have a problem. She wasn't sick when she went to bed. It came on suddenly in the middle of the night. So suddenly, she couldn't even get out of the chair. She was covered in it before she knew there was an issue. When we do use one though, we choose to use a small garbage can rather than a big spaghetti pan that we cook with later like I had growing up! Ahhh....the fond memories.
Believe it or not we still have that old aluminum spaghetti pan. It served as an RV wash bucket in our Driveaway travels. A truly multi-use vessel. It is now enjoying semi-retirement on a shelf in the workshop. It has been around since my own childhood. I remember Mom's spaghetti and meatballs simmering on the stove. I also remember our own pot of spaghetti sauce and Pat getting mad at me one time and flinging it all over the floor and ceiling. Ahhh....the fond memories.
Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas
[updated from a Moss Patch Newsletter article, November 1991]
As a Christian, I gave up Christmas many years ago when I became aware of the pagan roots of this celebration and diligently searched the Scriptures to see what the Bible had to say about it.
I learned from World Book Encyclopedia and other resources that Christmas is essentially a pagan holiday with a thin Christian veneer. Jesus was not born on December 25, but the pagans celebrated the Birth of the Unconquered Sun (Saturnalia) at this precise time of year, worshipping their gods with trees, yule logs, wassail, holly, mistletoe, and all the trimmings, right down to the Christmas goose. To make a long story short, in order to bring unconverted pagans into the Roman Catholic church long, long ago, the Church met them half way—letting them keep the pagan feasts that they enjoyed so much, and just “Christianizing” them. It does not sound like a bad idea to Christianize paganism until it is discovered that the Word of God specifically forbids it over and over again throughout the Bible.
For example:
As Alexander Hislop brings out in The Two Babylons, “The tendency on the part of Christians to meet paganism half way was very early developed. Tertullian, about the year 230, bitterly lamented the inconsistency of the disciples of Christ in this respect and contrasted it with the strict fidelity of the pagans to their own superstition:
Charles Halff, of the Christian Jew Foundation, in his booklet, “The Truth About Christmas” reports:
Nowhere in Scripture is there any indication that we are to celebrate the Lord’s birth. There are only two “birthday parties” mentioned in the Bible, Pharaoh’s (Genesis 40:20) and Herod’s (Matt. 14:6). Both were pagan celebrations and both had gruesome events associated with them—Pharaoh hung the chief baker, and Herod had John the Baptist beheaded!
Jesus said to remember His death (1 Corinthians 11:26) and look for His coming (Luke 12:37). Why do we add to His words in celebrating His birth? The Bible admonishes us not to add to the words of Scripture:
Some say, “Christmas is just a pleasant tradition. There’s no harm in it.” But Jesus says, “You make the Word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men. All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition,” (Mark, chapter 7).
As my sister once eloquently put it, “The only way we can ever express gratefulness to the One who paid such a dear price to save our souls is to respect His Word and obey His commandments. We cannot do that if we participate in any way in a pagan tradition such as Christmas.”
The Christmas tree is an abomination in the sight of God. There are many complex legends, but essentially the tree represents the slain god, Nimrod, reincarnated as Tammuz, the Babylonian messiah. Suffice to say that the Christmas tree is representative of a pagan idol, the very idol whose honoring is condemned as a great abomination in Ezekiel 8:14. We have heard well-meaning people remark, “So it has pagan roots; I do not worship the tree.” Yet what do they do with it. They drape it with garlands, just as the pagan priest honored his gods in Acts 14:13. They deck it with silver and gold, as the tree idol is decorated in Jeremiah 10:3,4. According to the dictionary, worship can simply mean “great honor and respect.” A plain little green tree seems to get the royal treatment during the Christmas season. It occupies the foremost place in the home where it will be noticed and admired even by passers-by from outside as it stands glistening in the window, bedecked with jewels and arrayed more gloriously than Solomon. If it’s not an idol, why are people so unwilling to give it up? It it’s not an idol, why do they sing “worshipful” songs to it? “O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches.” The “green tree” is mentioned ten times in the Bible and in every instance it is associated with idolatry.
The exchanging of gifts is also a pagan custom. Statues of gods and other trinkets were exchanged during religious festivals in heathen lands. Yet, to quote Albert James Dager, who has written on the subject of Christmas traditions in Media Spotlight, “There is certainly nothing wrong with giving gifts to family and friends out of love and genuine appreciation for what they have meant throughout the year. But it would be far better if those gifts were given spontaneously rather than under pressure to meet the social requirements of a pagan holiday. Here it is important to examine our motives. A gift in itself is certainly not evil. A gift given under pressure is a compromise to one’s conscience and is little more than a bribe.”
Mr. Dager also observes, “The atmosphere of the world during Christmas is evidence of its incompatibility with Christ. The media are filled with advertising and programming that turns Christmas into a hedonistic celebration. Jesus is so rarely mentioned that it’s obvious He has little to do with the day anyhow.”
Why is it that the world, that hates Christ, loves Christmas? Multitudes will accept Jesus as a helpless babe in a manger while rejecting Him as Lord of their lives. I cringe when I hear of ministers of the Gospel, after preaching the Christmas sermon, extend invitations to sinners to “ask the baby Jesus” to come into their hearts. There is no salvation in such a warped concept of surrender to the Living God.
To those who would say, “Let’s put Christ back in Christmas,” I would respond, He was never the “reason for the season” to begin with! Let the world have its tinseled, liquored up Christmas. “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Rabbinical Judaism likes to put “fences” around commandments. Why are Messianics so de-fence-less against Christmas? I often hear, “As long as you don’t worship the tree, it’s okay to have it.” Yet the commandment tells us not only “Do not worship idols,” but do not even have them around (Exodus 20:3-5). Does it not concern Messianics to consider what God thinks about the “mystery forms” of imagery claimed to be so harmless? Idols represent the enemy of our souls whether we see it that way or not. Did Yeshua redeem us so we could continue in the “chambers of imagery” that He abhors (Ezekiel 8). What is the difference between a marble statue of Zeus or a bedecked, gaudy tree prominently displayed? Would you place a Buddha in your living room? As long as you don’t worship it, why not? How about a Mary statue? If Messianics find holidays such as Christmas “neutral,” just what does comprise temptations to idolatrous practices in our generation? We are told to “flee from idolatry” (1 Cor. 10:14) but if there is no idolatry to flee from in our post-modern Judeao-Christian world, maybe these Scriptures are irrelevant? Our faith won’t be tested in the 21st century? Let us not be deceived!
Spend quality time with your family, play games with your kids, but try not to trample underfoot the commandments of God in the process. May the Wal-mart doorkeeper, trampled by the Christmas crowd, be a sobering and meaningful metaphor.
As a Christian, I gave up Christmas many years ago when I became aware of the pagan roots of this celebration and diligently searched the Scriptures to see what the Bible had to say about it.
I learned from World Book Encyclopedia and other resources that Christmas is essentially a pagan holiday with a thin Christian veneer. Jesus was not born on December 25, but the pagans celebrated the Birth of the Unconquered Sun (Saturnalia) at this precise time of year, worshipping their gods with trees, yule logs, wassail, holly, mistletoe, and all the trimmings, right down to the Christmas goose. To make a long story short, in order to bring unconverted pagans into the Roman Catholic church long, long ago, the Church met them half way—letting them keep the pagan feasts that they enjoyed so much, and just “Christianizing” them. It does not sound like a bad idea to Christianize paganism until it is discovered that the Word of God specifically forbids it over and over again throughout the Bible.
For example:
“Learn not the way of the heathen...for the customs of the people are vain...” (Jeremiah 10:2,3).
“Take heed...that thou inquire not after their gods saying, How did these nations serve their gods? Even so will I do likewise.” (Deut. 12:30)
“...Abstain from pollutions of idols” (Acts 15:20).
As Alexander Hislop brings out in The Two Babylons, “The tendency on the part of Christians to meet paganism half way was very early developed. Tertullian, about the year 230, bitterly lamented the inconsistency of the disciples of Christ in this respect and contrasted it with the strict fidelity of the pagans to their own superstition:
‘By us, says he, ‘who are strangers to (Jewish) Sabbaths, and new moons, and festivals, once acceptable to God, the Saturnalia, the feasts of January, the Brumalia, and Matronalia are now frequented, gifts are carried to and fro, new year’s day presents are made with din, and sports and banquets are celebrated with uproar; oh how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians.’”
Charles Halff, of the Christian Jew Foundation, in his booklet, “The Truth About Christmas” reports:
“The pagan history of Christmas has been well known throughout history. In fact, at one time the celebration of this pagan custom was forbidden by law in England. In 1644, Parliament declared Christmas to be unlawful; and, consequently, it was abolished. The English Puritans looked upon the celebration of Christmas as the work of Satan. At one time in early American history the observance of Christmas was illegal. A law was adopted in the general court of Massachusetts about 1650 which required that those who celebrated Christmas were to be punished. The statute read, ‘Whosoever shall be found observing any such day as Christmas...shall be subject to a fine of 5 shillings.’ The law’s preamble explained it’s purpose was ‘for preventing disorders...(by) observing such festivals as were superstitiously kept in other countries to the great dishonor of God and the offense of others.’ After the Mayflower pilgrims landed in 1620, the first December 25th was spent in labor and cutting down trees ‘in order to avoid any frivolity on the day sometimes called Christmas.’”
Nowhere in Scripture is there any indication that we are to celebrate the Lord’s birth. There are only two “birthday parties” mentioned in the Bible, Pharaoh’s (Genesis 40:20) and Herod’s (Matt. 14:6). Both were pagan celebrations and both had gruesome events associated with them—Pharaoh hung the chief baker, and Herod had John the Baptist beheaded!
Jesus said to remember His death (1 Corinthians 11:26) and look for His coming (Luke 12:37). Why do we add to His words in celebrating His birth? The Bible admonishes us not to add to the words of Scripture:
“Every word of God is pure...add thou not unto His Words, lest He reprove thee.” (Proverbs 30:5,6)
Some say, “Christmas is just a pleasant tradition. There’s no harm in it.” But Jesus says, “You make the Word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men. All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition,” (Mark, chapter 7).
As my sister once eloquently put it, “The only way we can ever express gratefulness to the One who paid such a dear price to save our souls is to respect His Word and obey His commandments. We cannot do that if we participate in any way in a pagan tradition such as Christmas.”
The Christmas tree is an abomination in the sight of God. There are many complex legends, but essentially the tree represents the slain god, Nimrod, reincarnated as Tammuz, the Babylonian messiah. Suffice to say that the Christmas tree is representative of a pagan idol, the very idol whose honoring is condemned as a great abomination in Ezekiel 8:14. We have heard well-meaning people remark, “So it has pagan roots; I do not worship the tree.” Yet what do they do with it. They drape it with garlands, just as the pagan priest honored his gods in Acts 14:13. They deck it with silver and gold, as the tree idol is decorated in Jeremiah 10:3,4. According to the dictionary, worship can simply mean “great honor and respect.” A plain little green tree seems to get the royal treatment during the Christmas season. It occupies the foremost place in the home where it will be noticed and admired even by passers-by from outside as it stands glistening in the window, bedecked with jewels and arrayed more gloriously than Solomon. If it’s not an idol, why are people so unwilling to give it up? It it’s not an idol, why do they sing “worshipful” songs to it? “O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are your branches.” The “green tree” is mentioned ten times in the Bible and in every instance it is associated with idolatry.
The exchanging of gifts is also a pagan custom. Statues of gods and other trinkets were exchanged during religious festivals in heathen lands. Yet, to quote Albert James Dager, who has written on the subject of Christmas traditions in Media Spotlight, “There is certainly nothing wrong with giving gifts to family and friends out of love and genuine appreciation for what they have meant throughout the year. But it would be far better if those gifts were given spontaneously rather than under pressure to meet the social requirements of a pagan holiday. Here it is important to examine our motives. A gift in itself is certainly not evil. A gift given under pressure is a compromise to one’s conscience and is little more than a bribe.”
Mr. Dager also observes, “The atmosphere of the world during Christmas is evidence of its incompatibility with Christ. The media are filled with advertising and programming that turns Christmas into a hedonistic celebration. Jesus is so rarely mentioned that it’s obvious He has little to do with the day anyhow.”
Why is it that the world, that hates Christ, loves Christmas? Multitudes will accept Jesus as a helpless babe in a manger while rejecting Him as Lord of their lives. I cringe when I hear of ministers of the Gospel, after preaching the Christmas sermon, extend invitations to sinners to “ask the baby Jesus” to come into their hearts. There is no salvation in such a warped concept of surrender to the Living God.
To those who would say, “Let’s put Christ back in Christmas,” I would respond, He was never the “reason for the season” to begin with! Let the world have its tinseled, liquored up Christmas. “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Rabbinical Judaism likes to put “fences” around commandments. Why are Messianics so de-fence-less against Christmas? I often hear, “As long as you don’t worship the tree, it’s okay to have it.” Yet the commandment tells us not only “Do not worship idols,” but do not even have them around (Exodus 20:3-5). Does it not concern Messianics to consider what God thinks about the “mystery forms” of imagery claimed to be so harmless? Idols represent the enemy of our souls whether we see it that way or not. Did Yeshua redeem us so we could continue in the “chambers of imagery” that He abhors (Ezekiel 8). What is the difference between a marble statue of Zeus or a bedecked, gaudy tree prominently displayed? Would you place a Buddha in your living room? As long as you don’t worship it, why not? How about a Mary statue? If Messianics find holidays such as Christmas “neutral,” just what does comprise temptations to idolatrous practices in our generation? We are told to “flee from idolatry” (1 Cor. 10:14) but if there is no idolatry to flee from in our post-modern Judeao-Christian world, maybe these Scriptures are irrelevant? Our faith won’t be tested in the 21st century? Let us not be deceived!
Spend quality time with your family, play games with your kids, but try not to trample underfoot the commandments of God in the process. May the Wal-mart doorkeeper, trampled by the Christmas crowd, be a sobering and meaningful metaphor.
VALLEY STREAM, N.Y. (CBS) ― We're used to seeing scenes like this across the country -- people running, pushing, trying to get their hands on the great bargains. But on Friday – better known as "Black Friday" to millions upon millions of holiday shoppers across the country, a scene like this turned deadly as a mob stampeded over a security guard at a Long Island Wal-Mart.
The heavy glass and steel sliding doors were literally knocked off their hinges in the shopper-stampede-to-be-first. Then the wave of humanity caved in on defenseless Wal-Mart workers as they opened early -- 5 a.m. -- for the annual bargain hunting ritual that kicks off the morning after Thanksgiving.
"The crowd pushed so forcefully that they crashed the doors down and one of the workers from Wal-Mart was pushed to the floor as the crowd entered the store, many of them running," said Det. Lt. Michael Fleming of the Nassau County Police Department.
Cell phone video obtained by CBS 2 HD shows the 34-year-old part-time employee, hired as a holiday temp, who was crushed in the onslaught pronounced dead an hour later, as responding Nassau police and paramedics tried to save him, but were also jostled and pushed to the ground.
"The man got trampled, stomped on -- everybody banged through the doors," witness Terrence Howard said.
Witness Kimberly Cribbs said all those people who got in went right on shopping after the worker was run over.
"Oh yes, they're savages," Cribbs said.
As 2,000 customers surged ahead, several hundred began cutting the line creating mass chaos. Many bargain-hunters said they watched in horror.
"Pushing in, pounding through the doors to get TVs and electronics," Sean Newman said. "I will never do this again as long as I live. I wish I was never here this morning."
Three other shoppers and a 28-year-old pregnant woman who suffered minor injuries were also taken to hospitals for observation.
"I am happy to report that she did not miscarry and that baby will be okay," Det. Lt. Fleming said.
Eight hours later under police watch the Wal-Mart reopened.
Police have seized surveillance video. Some in the crowd may face criminal charges, amid questions if Wal-Mart's security was adequate as they promoted huge sales.
Wal-Mart issued a statement, which reads: "Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time. We are working closely with the Nassau county police as they investigate what occurred."
The heavy glass and steel sliding doors were literally knocked off their hinges in the shopper-stampede-to-be-first. Then the wave of humanity caved in on defenseless Wal-Mart workers as they opened early -- 5 a.m. -- for the annual bargain hunting ritual that kicks off the morning after Thanksgiving.
"The crowd pushed so forcefully that they crashed the doors down and one of the workers from Wal-Mart was pushed to the floor as the crowd entered the store, many of them running," said Det. Lt. Michael Fleming of the Nassau County Police Department.
Cell phone video obtained by CBS 2 HD shows the 34-year-old part-time employee, hired as a holiday temp, who was crushed in the onslaught pronounced dead an hour later, as responding Nassau police and paramedics tried to save him, but were also jostled and pushed to the ground.
"The man got trampled, stomped on -- everybody banged through the doors," witness Terrence Howard said.
Witness Kimberly Cribbs said all those people who got in went right on shopping after the worker was run over.
"Oh yes, they're savages," Cribbs said.
As 2,000 customers surged ahead, several hundred began cutting the line creating mass chaos. Many bargain-hunters said they watched in horror.
"Pushing in, pounding through the doors to get TVs and electronics," Sean Newman said. "I will never do this again as long as I live. I wish I was never here this morning."
Three other shoppers and a 28-year-old pregnant woman who suffered minor injuries were also taken to hospitals for observation.
"I am happy to report that she did not miscarry and that baby will be okay," Det. Lt. Fleming said.
Eight hours later under police watch the Wal-Mart reopened.
Police have seized surveillance video. Some in the crowd may face criminal charges, amid questions if Wal-Mart's security was adequate as they promoted huge sales.
Wal-Mart issued a statement, which reads: "Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time. We are working closely with the Nassau county police as they investigate what occurred."
Ahavah/Agape.....A Song about Perfect Love
[Click on title of post or at sidebar link for music]
Pretty Amazing Grace
Music and Lyrics by Neil Diamond
Pretty amazing grace is what you showed me
Pretty amazing grace is who you are
I was an empty vessel
You filled me up inside
And with amazing grace restored my pride
Pretty amazing grace is how you saved me
And with amazing grace reclaimed my heart
Love in the midst of chaos
Calm in the heat of war
Showed with amazing grace what love was for
You forgave my insensitivity
And my attempt to then mislead you
You stood beside a wretch like me
Your pretty amazing grace was all I needed.
Stumbled inside the doorway of your chapel
Humbled and awed by everything I found
Beauty and love surround me
Freed me from what I feared
Asked for amazing grace and you appeared
You overcame my loss of hope and faith
Gave me a truth I could believe in
You led me to a higher place
Showed your amazing grace
When grace was what I needed
Look in a mirror I see your reflection
Open a book you live on every page
I fall and you're there to lift me
You share every road I climb
And with amazing grace you ease my mind
Came to you with empty pockets first
When I returned I was a rich man
Didn't believe love would quench my thirst
But with amazing grace you showed me that it can
In your amazing grace I had a vision
From that amazing place I came to be
Into the night I wandered
Wandering aimlessly
Found your amazing grace to comfort me.
Pretty amazing
You overcame my loss of hope and faith
Gave me a truth I could believe in.
You led me to that higher place
Showed me that love..... and truth..... and hope...... and grace...... were all I needed.
Pretty Amazing Grace
Music and Lyrics by Neil Diamond
Pretty amazing grace is what you showed me
Pretty amazing grace is who you are
I was an empty vessel
You filled me up inside
And with amazing grace restored my pride
Pretty amazing grace is how you saved me
And with amazing grace reclaimed my heart
Love in the midst of chaos
Calm in the heat of war
Showed with amazing grace what love was for
You forgave my insensitivity
And my attempt to then mislead you
You stood beside a wretch like me
Your pretty amazing grace was all I needed.
Stumbled inside the doorway of your chapel
Humbled and awed by everything I found
Beauty and love surround me
Freed me from what I feared
Asked for amazing grace and you appeared
You overcame my loss of hope and faith
Gave me a truth I could believe in
You led me to a higher place
Showed your amazing grace
When grace was what I needed
Look in a mirror I see your reflection
Open a book you live on every page
I fall and you're there to lift me
You share every road I climb
And with amazing grace you ease my mind
Came to you with empty pockets first
When I returned I was a rich man
Didn't believe love would quench my thirst
But with amazing grace you showed me that it can
In your amazing grace I had a vision
From that amazing place I came to be
Into the night I wandered
Wandering aimlessly
Found your amazing grace to comfort me.
Pretty amazing
You overcame my loss of hope and faith
Gave me a truth I could believe in.
You led me to that higher place
Showed me that love..... and truth..... and hope...... and grace...... were all I needed.
Worldview Challenge
Today begins a Worldview Challenge of sorts, reminiscent of the days of Elijah. My friend has agreed to read through the KJV Bible on the schedule I use, and I have agreed to read an Evolution book by Donald Prothero cover to cover, each of us giving fair-minded consideration of the perspective of the other. Which world view will win the war? Which is the Truth? Which is the Lie? This is the battle of the ages, the battle between good and evil. Which is the Good? Which is the Evil? We each think we know the answer to that question. It will be interesting to see whose perspective is changed over the coming weeks and months or if we both remain entrenched in our currrent views. Prayer support requested.
Here is the Bible Pathway devotional for today. Each day’s schedule can be accessed by clicking at the BP Daily Devotional link at my sidebar. I hope others will join us. I have used this method of thru-the-Bible reading for more than 20 years and it helps me remain in close fellowship with the LORD through His Word, learning something significant to greater understanding and obedience each time through the Bible.
May the Spirit of the LORD be encountered in the pages of the inspired Scriptures, convicting of sin and error, instilling faith to believe, providing comfort, and transforming lives.
Comments/Questions are welcome concerning the Bible readings and related topics.
Read John 1 - 3
Highlights In Today's Reading:
JESUS is the WORD; and the WORD who is GOD is JESUS — sent to mankind (1:1-2, 14)! Jesus is rejected by His own (1:9-11), but His believers are received of God (1:12-13). His first miracle is at a marriage event at Cana (2:1-11). He cleanses the Temple (2:13-25).
The Gospel of John introduces Jesus as the preexistent, Eternal Word who became one of us. In the beginning was the Word (as recorded in Genesis) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).
Because of this, the Holy Spirit led John to recognize Jesus as God, that all things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made (1:3). And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good (Genesis 1:31)
John portrays Jesus as the Son of God, the Creator of all things and the Perfector of our lives. But He was also known as a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3). He came unto His own, and His own received Him not (John 1:11). In fact, when He spoke of Himself as the fulfillment of prophecy, worshipers in His hometown seized Him, forced Him out of the synagogue, and attempted to kill Him (Luke 4:29). Even His family said of Him: He is beside Himself (Mark 3:21). Judas, one of the chosen Twelve, betrayed Him (John 18:2-3). And His own people, the Israelites, joined with the Romans, and nailed Him to a cross (Mark 14:53; 15:25; Luke 23:1,13,24-25; John 18:12-13).
None of us escape sorrows during our lifetime. But, in sorrow, we follow in the footsteps of our Savior as it is written: If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will deny us (II Timothy 2:12). In fact, we should expect that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution (3:12).
If ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy (blessed) are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled (I Peter 3:14).
If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ, happy (blessed) are ye; for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you. . . . Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator (4:14,19).
We have the utmost confidence that our Savior and Creator never makes a mistake. Regardless of our suffering, sorrows, or tragedies we can be sure that all things (no exceptions) work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28).
P.S. If you think there is an exception, please read Romans 8:35-39.
Thought for Today:
It is a test of faith to trust God with our lives not knowing how it will work out.
Word Studies:
1:5 the darkness comprehended it not = did not appropriate it; the unbelieving world that cannot see its need for a Savior; 1:39 tenth hour = 4 p.m. by Jewish time, two hours before evening.
Cross References:
For John 1:23: See Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1. John 2:17: See Psalm 69:9.
Here is the Bible Pathway devotional for today. Each day’s schedule can be accessed by clicking at the BP Daily Devotional link at my sidebar. I hope others will join us. I have used this method of thru-the-Bible reading for more than 20 years and it helps me remain in close fellowship with the LORD through His Word, learning something significant to greater understanding and obedience each time through the Bible.
May the Spirit of the LORD be encountered in the pages of the inspired Scriptures, convicting of sin and error, instilling faith to believe, providing comfort, and transforming lives.
Comments/Questions are welcome concerning the Bible readings and related topics.
Read John 1 - 3
Highlights In Today's Reading:
JESUS is the WORD; and the WORD who is GOD is JESUS — sent to mankind (1:1-2, 14)! Jesus is rejected by His own (1:9-11), but His believers are received of God (1:12-13). His first miracle is at a marriage event at Cana (2:1-11). He cleanses the Temple (2:13-25).
The Gospel of John introduces Jesus as the preexistent, Eternal Word who became one of us. In the beginning was the Word (as recorded in Genesis) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1).
Because of this, the Holy Spirit led John to recognize Jesus as God, that all things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made (1:3). And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good (Genesis 1:31)
John portrays Jesus as the Son of God, the Creator of all things and the Perfector of our lives. But He was also known as a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53:3). He came unto His own, and His own received Him not (John 1:11). In fact, when He spoke of Himself as the fulfillment of prophecy, worshipers in His hometown seized Him, forced Him out of the synagogue, and attempted to kill Him (Luke 4:29). Even His family said of Him: He is beside Himself (Mark 3:21). Judas, one of the chosen Twelve, betrayed Him (John 18:2-3). And His own people, the Israelites, joined with the Romans, and nailed Him to a cross (Mark 14:53; 15:25; Luke 23:1,13,24-25; John 18:12-13).
None of us escape sorrows during our lifetime. But, in sorrow, we follow in the footsteps of our Savior as it is written: If we suffer, we shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will deny us (II Timothy 2:12). In fact, we should expect that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution (3:12).
If ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy (blessed) are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled (I Peter 3:14).
If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ, happy (blessed) are ye; for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you. . . . Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator (4:14,19).
We have the utmost confidence that our Savior and Creator never makes a mistake. Regardless of our suffering, sorrows, or tragedies we can be sure that all things (no exceptions) work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28).
P.S. If you think there is an exception, please read Romans 8:35-39.
Thought for Today:
It is a test of faith to trust God with our lives not knowing how it will work out.
Word Studies:
1:5 the darkness comprehended it not = did not appropriate it; the unbelieving world that cannot see its need for a Savior; 1:39 tenth hour = 4 p.m. by Jewish time, two hours before evening.
Cross References:
For John 1:23: See Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1. John 2:17: See Psalm 69:9.
A Song the LORD Gave Me?
I Wonder What It Really Means
Music by Yanni (In the Last Moment)
Lyrics by Renah, 2001
This song is a running musical conversation with the LORD to the tune of Yanni’s In the Last Moment (In My Time). Nothing was making sense at the time (2001) and I was dealing with sleepless nights and many questions. The skies were so strange in those days, with contrails often...and odd cloud formations that looked like Hebrew writing in the sky.
These days the skies have been normal....brilliantly blue on many days, normal cloud cover on other days. Something was going on back then. There were many theories, ranging from experiments in dealing with global warming to defense experiments. I saw the streaks in my travels many times in many different locations. Here at home, sometimes multiple jets would make the grids, which spread out to a milky haze. Often I would not feel well. I was convinced this was not normal jet contrails; more likely, chemtrails....for what purpose I do not know. I do not know why they stopped either, but I have not noticed this phenomenon in quite some time. [See sidebar for research website on chemtrails and other strange phenomena.]
I am currently reading Yanni’s autobiography. He is self-taught on the keyboard and cannot read music. He hears songs in his head, and he has developed his own musical shorthand to compose. He only hears music; he does not write lyrics or sing. Meanwhile, as I listen to his music, I hear lyrics in my head and sing his songs ....with a profound sense of the Presence of the LORD.
This song will sound really “out there” to most, but I wanted to preserve it here on my online journal. It was written in June 2001, just before Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was hastily put to death......or was he? Another mystery......along with the whole Oklahoma City bombing. I remember the first reports suggested Middle Eastern involvement. Then that story was changed (or covered up). This was in 1995.
In June 2001, I was meditating near my garden on a beautiful sunny day when this “conversation with the LORD” took place. The music is at my sidebar on Youtube (Until the Last Moment). This live version is slightly different than the version on my CD (In My Time) but is pretty close in matching up with the lyrics.
My reference to Tandi (the horse) pertains to the thought of meeting the LORD in the air and returning to Earth on horseback with Him (Revelation 19). Perhaps my Appaloosa friend will have turned pure white in his celestial body. Who is to say that our beloved pets do not receive celestial bodies and graze or laze in green pastures in “heaven” awaiting reunion (1 Cor. 15). What a delight that will be! I can only imagine. Yet we cannot even imagine what delights the LORD has in store for the faithful who endure to the end (or return from their folly). It may sound like wishful thinking to imagine the delight of reuniting with a beloved pet or child or parent....but what harm is there in hope? If I die and there is nothing more, I will not know that I am missing anything or hoped in vain. But if an infidel or unbeliever dies.....and there IS more....you catch my drift. Meanwhile, in the here-and-now, believing the Bible and living according to its precepts, walking in the Spirit rather than the flesh, is most satisfying. There is love, joy, peace, comfort, purpose, gratitude....everything good (Galatians 5).
[Bracketed words are explanatory or provide Scripture references]
This song is dedicated to all who struggle in life with heartaches, disappointments, and questions. The LORD would say, “Child, you’ll know in time.......meanwhile....”
I Wonder What It Really Means
I wonder what it really means when everything is topsy-turvy all the time
I wonder what it really means when I can find no peace, no sleep, no reasoned rhyme
I wonder what it means when contrails streak and form a grid and leave a milky sky
I wonder what it means when no one gives a reason, no one gives a reason why
I wonder what it really means when they can’t wait to execute a Tim McVeigh
I wonder if we’ll ever find out what happened on that fateful day [OKC bombing]
The clouds are words in wispy cirrus forms, the Hebrew letters climb across the sky
And then they dissipate and puffy little clouds go floating, go a-floating by
I wonder, will I ever know “Why?”
[The LORD breaks into my thoughts...]
Child, you’ll know in time
Meanwhile, meanwhile.....
On your way
To the Shabbat day [Millennial Kingdom]
There’s a path [Psalm 16:11]
That will lead
To the heavenly steed you will ride [Revelation 19]
That you will ride
If you still abide [John 15]
With the LORD
In His Word
When the trumpet sound [1 Cor. 15:52]
LORD, will it be Tandi? [beloved favorite horse]
My long, lost Tandi?
My special friend
I see again
Ride again
The LORD will reign
On Earth, proclaim [Micah 4]
His ways will be
From sea to sea [Zech. 9:10]
I know from the shadow [Col. 2:17]
Shadows teaching me [Hebrews 8:5]
Until that Day come be ye holy for I am holy [1 Peter 1:16]
Until the Day come [Judgment Day]
Put away your idols from before My face, abomination [Deut. 7; 12]
Put away your idols, I have given grace to your nation [Joshua 24; 1 Sam. 7]
How dare you
I will scare you [Isaiah 13; Hebrews 10:31]
In that Day when mountains crumble all around you
As you hide yourself from wrath to come [Revelation 6]
When like a scroll the heavens roll away [Isaiah 34:4; Rev. 6:14]
And I reveal your King, My blessed Son
You’ll wish you’d left the pine tree in the fragrant forest
Where a pine tree doth belong [Jeremiah 10:1-4]
You’ll wish you had not brought it to your home
And bent your knee and sang a worship song [O Tannenbaum]
You’ll wish you had not dressed your children up
To celebrate your evil Halloween
You’ll wish you’d kept My seven holy feasts [Lev. 23]
And had not baked your cakes to “Heaven’s Queen” [Jer. 7:18]
The clouds are words in wispy cirrus forms, the Hebrew letters climb across the sky
And then they dissipate and fluffy little clouds go floating, go a-floating by
I wonder....will I ever know why [Hebraic perspective?]
Be ye holy, I am holy [Lev. 20:7]
No friend of the world is Mine [James 4:4]
On your way
To the Shabbat Day
There’s a path
That will lead
To the heavenly steed you will ride
That you will ride
If you still abide
With the LORD
In His Word
When the trumpet sound
A bright blue sky [rare in those days]
I wonder why [3 months later.... 9/11..bright blue sky]
The time draws nigh?
The midnight cry [Matt. 25:6]
The LORD will reign
On Earth, proclaim
His ways will be
From sea to sea
I know from the shadow
Shadows teaching, shadows teaching me
Music by Yanni (In the Last Moment)
Lyrics by Renah, 2001
This song is a running musical conversation with the LORD to the tune of Yanni’s In the Last Moment (In My Time). Nothing was making sense at the time (2001) and I was dealing with sleepless nights and many questions. The skies were so strange in those days, with contrails often...and odd cloud formations that looked like Hebrew writing in the sky.
These days the skies have been normal....brilliantly blue on many days, normal cloud cover on other days. Something was going on back then. There were many theories, ranging from experiments in dealing with global warming to defense experiments. I saw the streaks in my travels many times in many different locations. Here at home, sometimes multiple jets would make the grids, which spread out to a milky haze. Often I would not feel well. I was convinced this was not normal jet contrails; more likely, chemtrails....for what purpose I do not know. I do not know why they stopped either, but I have not noticed this phenomenon in quite some time. [See sidebar for research website on chemtrails and other strange phenomena.]
I am currently reading Yanni’s autobiography. He is self-taught on the keyboard and cannot read music. He hears songs in his head, and he has developed his own musical shorthand to compose. He only hears music; he does not write lyrics or sing. Meanwhile, as I listen to his music, I hear lyrics in my head and sing his songs ....with a profound sense of the Presence of the LORD.
This song will sound really “out there” to most, but I wanted to preserve it here on my online journal. It was written in June 2001, just before Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was hastily put to death......or was he? Another mystery......along with the whole Oklahoma City bombing. I remember the first reports suggested Middle Eastern involvement. Then that story was changed (or covered up). This was in 1995.
In June 2001, I was meditating near my garden on a beautiful sunny day when this “conversation with the LORD” took place. The music is at my sidebar on Youtube (Until the Last Moment). This live version is slightly different than the version on my CD (In My Time) but is pretty close in matching up with the lyrics.
My reference to Tandi (the horse) pertains to the thought of meeting the LORD in the air and returning to Earth on horseback with Him (Revelation 19). Perhaps my Appaloosa friend will have turned pure white in his celestial body. Who is to say that our beloved pets do not receive celestial bodies and graze or laze in green pastures in “heaven” awaiting reunion (1 Cor. 15). What a delight that will be! I can only imagine. Yet we cannot even imagine what delights the LORD has in store for the faithful who endure to the end (or return from their folly). It may sound like wishful thinking to imagine the delight of reuniting with a beloved pet or child or parent....but what harm is there in hope? If I die and there is nothing more, I will not know that I am missing anything or hoped in vain. But if an infidel or unbeliever dies.....and there IS more....you catch my drift. Meanwhile, in the here-and-now, believing the Bible and living according to its precepts, walking in the Spirit rather than the flesh, is most satisfying. There is love, joy, peace, comfort, purpose, gratitude....everything good (Galatians 5).
[Bracketed words are explanatory or provide Scripture references]
This song is dedicated to all who struggle in life with heartaches, disappointments, and questions. The LORD would say, “Child, you’ll know in time.......meanwhile....”
I Wonder What It Really Means
I wonder what it really means when everything is topsy-turvy all the time
I wonder what it really means when I can find no peace, no sleep, no reasoned rhyme
I wonder what it means when contrails streak and form a grid and leave a milky sky
I wonder what it means when no one gives a reason, no one gives a reason why
I wonder what it really means when they can’t wait to execute a Tim McVeigh
I wonder if we’ll ever find out what happened on that fateful day [OKC bombing]
The clouds are words in wispy cirrus forms, the Hebrew letters climb across the sky
And then they dissipate and puffy little clouds go floating, go a-floating by
I wonder, will I ever know “Why?”
[The LORD breaks into my thoughts...]
Child, you’ll know in time
Meanwhile, meanwhile.....
On your way
To the Shabbat day [Millennial Kingdom]
There’s a path [Psalm 16:11]
That will lead
To the heavenly steed you will ride [Revelation 19]
That you will ride
If you still abide [John 15]
With the LORD
In His Word
When the trumpet sound [1 Cor. 15:52]
LORD, will it be Tandi? [beloved favorite horse]
My long, lost Tandi?
My special friend
I see again
Ride again
The LORD will reign
On Earth, proclaim [Micah 4]
His ways will be
From sea to sea [Zech. 9:10]
I know from the shadow [Col. 2:17]
Shadows teaching me [Hebrews 8:5]
Until that Day come be ye holy for I am holy [1 Peter 1:16]
Until the Day come [Judgment Day]
Put away your idols from before My face, abomination [Deut. 7; 12]
Put away your idols, I have given grace to your nation [Joshua 24; 1 Sam. 7]
How dare you
I will scare you [Isaiah 13; Hebrews 10:31]
In that Day when mountains crumble all around you
As you hide yourself from wrath to come [Revelation 6]
When like a scroll the heavens roll away [Isaiah 34:4; Rev. 6:14]
And I reveal your King, My blessed Son
You’ll wish you’d left the pine tree in the fragrant forest
Where a pine tree doth belong [Jeremiah 10:1-4]
You’ll wish you had not brought it to your home
And bent your knee and sang a worship song [O Tannenbaum]
You’ll wish you had not dressed your children up
To celebrate your evil Halloween
You’ll wish you’d kept My seven holy feasts [Lev. 23]
And had not baked your cakes to “Heaven’s Queen” [Jer. 7:18]
The clouds are words in wispy cirrus forms, the Hebrew letters climb across the sky
And then they dissipate and fluffy little clouds go floating, go a-floating by
I wonder....will I ever know why [Hebraic perspective?]
Be ye holy, I am holy [Lev. 20:7]
No friend of the world is Mine [James 4:4]
On your way
To the Shabbat Day
There’s a path
That will lead
To the heavenly steed you will ride
That you will ride
If you still abide
With the LORD
In His Word
When the trumpet sound
A bright blue sky [rare in those days]
I wonder why [3 months later.... 9/11..bright blue sky]
The time draws nigh?
The midnight cry [Matt. 25:6]
The LORD will reign
On Earth, proclaim
His ways will be
From sea to sea
I know from the shadow
Shadows teaching, shadows teaching me
Free to be Me

I am rejoicing today because of events of the past couple of days. My husband actually took me to Potato Creek State Park on Friday for a two-hour bike ride. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was a gorgeous day--leaves turning bright yellows and reds, the weather spectacular with skies of blue. Pleasant people conversed with me along the bike path. I was in my element with nature lovers who are on my frequency.....or freakuency as the case may be. I wore my clodhopper Ariats for comfort, with my pedal pusher short pants (jogging attire). I’m sure I looked ridiculous. Ariats are a sturdy, hiking type shoe that I bought for working in the Culver stable....a job that never materialized. If I looked odd on my nerd-mobile, my forest green Trek comfort bike that I have become re-acquainted with since my foot injury, I could not have looked any stranger than the grey-bearded intellectual on cross-country roller blades. I never heard of such a sport before.....roller skates and poles, just like cross-country skiing. He was moving right along on the park road, enjoying the beautiful nature-scape. The lake was shimmering in the sunshine. Aspens were trembling.
This park seems to attract the nicest people. I feel safe there. Maybe I will get brave and go for hikes and bike rides alone, since it is a rare occasion when I can get my husband or other family member to accompany me. Pat was kind to do this for me, since he is generally bored with this activity. He would rather be hunting or fishing with his buddies. He does not like fishing here because he seldom catches anything and cannot use his motorboat. I am happy that they do not allow noisy motorboats, just electric trollers. This park is so very peaceful. It does me a world of good whenever I go....and I should go more often. It is only about 30 miles from home and a pleasant country drive past Koontz Lake, Walkerton, and North Liberty.
I am free to be me..... since I stopped obsessing about my lack of fellowship and lack of a “normal” life. I am rejoicing that I do not have to worry about what to wear to shul or church, since I attend neither, nor obsess about setting a perfect Shabbat table, since I have no guests (and find fault with rabbinic stringencies anyway.) I am breathing easy now....free to be the real me.....somewhat eccentric....appreciative of God’s creation, enjoying the friendship of God, which is the pearl of great price.
I love my bike. I have been riding it in lieu of walking for the past month here in my own woods due to my foot injury (broken toes). It traverses trails easily and I find I can ride it slowly and meditate on my thoughts, enjoying the scenery, just as if I were walking. Speaking of walking, I finally was able to walk on my trails yesterday after more than a month of hobbling around in pain. It seemed like the pain left suddenly the other day and I realized I was walking normally in the house without favoring my left foot. So I tried walking on the quarter mile trail and there was no discomfort. I was ecstatic. I had been concerned that I might not enjoy walking ever again due to this injury. Pat hurt his feet playing church softball too competitively years ago and has had bad feet since, impairing his ability to enjoy going for walks. I was so grateful to God that I could walk again. I had to go around the loop a second time out of sheer bliss, finally able to clear some of the secondary trails of branches that had come down over these past weeks. Mobility is a great gift of God. To walk....what a blessing! I think the bike riding helped restore circulation to my feet, promoting healing. My feet seem stronger than ever.
Thought: I wonder who atheists thank for their blessings....memes? To have a heart full of thanksgiving and no one to thank.....seems like a missing link there somewhere.
I saw a milkweed plant on one of my bike rides. Reminded me of the book, Milkweed.
Just checked the news online as I write this....a jolt back to reality.....
The week ended as the Dow's worst ever, with the index down an incredible 40.3 percent since its record close almost exactly one year earlier, on Oct. 9. 2007.
Investors suffered a paper loss of $2.4 trillion for the week, as measured by the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 index, and for the past year the losses have totaled $8.4 trillion.
Maybe I agree with the Islamists who say this is God’s judgment and the end of the American empire. At least some dare to say it. If America is spiritual Babylon, it does indeed look like we are falling, falling (Revelation 14). But the Bible warns not to gloat over the calamities of others, lest judgment fall on the gloater as well (Proverbs).
Back to my reveries.....
I was also able to groom my horses and think about riding again....maybe today. The weather has been breathtakingly beautiful. Edenic. Except for the mosquitoes....another reason the bike is a blessing. Mosquitoes do not bother people on bicycles. What are mosquitoes doing here in mid October anyway? And what is a Manatee doing in the cold Cape Cod waters? Strange.
I saw a mockingbird yesterday, on Sabbath. Pat and I heard all kinds of bird noises that we had not heard before, so we located the chatty bird in a pine tree and looked him up in the bird guide. How appropriate to discover a mocking bird, just when I am enduring mockery for my Bible believing views. I will continue to cheerfully chatter my thoughts and songs, and perhaps add to my repertoire like the mockingbird. See sidebar for interesting information about this wonder of God’s creation. I feel emboldened by this “sign” to post my most “out there” song lyrics tomorrow. I am free to be me....including freedom to be mocked and ridiculed and not worry about it. YESHUA endured the same.
My legs are nicely toned now....from the long bike ride, which included riding on a hiking trail, over a bridge, up hill and down. The gears and tires on my Trek hybrid bike make it possible to enjoy trail riding. This is good exercise. Plus, it is probably safer than walking alone. If I do decide to walk alone on these trails, I could bring one of my dogs. I look forward to going again soon....who knows, this financial meltdown could turn out to be a good thing for gas prices at least. They are tumbling.
My hair is very long now. I am free to be me ....with my out-of-style mane of unmanageable hair. I am encouraged by Sarah Palin and her upswept out-of-style hairdo mocked by many. I heard that Sarah Palin halloween costumes are selling briskly. Whoever hates her, hates me. We share many commonalities.Too bad the fix seems to be in concerning this election cycle. Will Obama be President? Or Biden? Maybe there will be no election. Maybe there will be martial law.
I wonder what will happen in the coming days and weeks. Will October 13 be known as the blackest of Black Mondays? How bleak can it get? Will we be lining up to receive a mark to buy and sell in a NWO economy before long? Count me out....and targeted for the rumored concentration camps for the non-compliant.
Perilous times are upon us.
Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you (James 4:8). Dare to be different. Dare to be free to be....you.
Book Review: The Devil's Delusion
Calling Science's Bluff: A Review of 'The Devil's Delusion' by David Berlinski
By Brian Janeway, Ph.D.
For anyone looking for a well reasoned, intelligent, and witty defense of theistic belief they could do far worse than The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions by David Berlinski (Crown Forum, 2008). Berlinski, a Ph.D. (Princeton) and professor of mathematics and philosophy who has authored many books, seems well equipped to offer an adroit and readable critique of the sum of science’s theories regarding the origin, nature and development of life on earth. For this reason Neo-Darwinists and atheists of all stripes ignore this book at their peril, particularly polemicists such as Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens and their ilk who have recently published scathing critiques of religious belief in general and Christian belief in particular.
Berlinski conceives his defense as one uncommitted to any faith tradition. Indeed, he is a self-professed secular Jew whose “religious education did not take.” As one who has spent the better part of his academic life writing about the sciences he makes a most unlikely apologist for belief in God. Yet in his preface he bluntly dismisses as “splendid artifacts of the human imagination” the various and elaborate theories to account for how the universe began, how life originated on earth, how the brain functions, or how the human conscience is impelled to distinguish between right and wrong. On these and many more questions the “great scientific theories have lapsed.” Even more lacking are science’s statements pertaining to eternal questions about life, death, love, and meaning. In Berlinski’s view, science has nothing of value to say on these issues.
Not surprisingly, Berlinski delivers some of his best blows against the artifice of Darwinism. Many of the most potent critiques of the theory are culled from the mouths of advocates themselves. As Philip Johnson has noted, modern science has eliminated a priori any answers that include design or a divine hand, thereby rigging the game and predetermining the outcome. Johnson calls this bias methodological naturalism. Fortunately there are some naturalists who endeavor to be transparent with regards to their presuppositions. Berlinski quotes C. F. von Weizsacker thusly:
Most modern scholarship neglects the contributions of Alfred Wallace to the theory of evolution perhaps because, in contrast to Darwin, he soon after began to have serious doubts about its validity. In an essay published in 1869 Wallace gave voice to his skepticism. In it he detailed several human characteristics that he believed natural selection failed to explain. These include the human brain, the organs of speech, the hand, and the upright posture and bipedal gait of human beings. Wallace was particularly interested in the workings of the human mind and language, which to him appeared as a latent power inherent as much in a modern European as in a tribesman from the Amazon.
But how does natural selection account for latent powers? It holds that useful genes are selected for perpetuation and useless ones fall into oblivion. The apparent fact that these abilities were “frontloaded” into the species long ago runs counter to evolutionary dogma. Indeed, it seems to point to an immutable aspect in human nature. Contrary to what the scientists would have us believe, according to Berlinski, the conflict persists to this day. “It has not been resolved.”
That human beings possess powers and abilities that surpass all other creatures is obvious to most observers. All it takes is a look around. The proposition that we are merely a product of random evolutionary process, Berlinski asserts, “requires a disciplined commitment” to a worldview that owes “astonishingly little to the evidence.” Why then, he asks, does improbable theory become inviolate dogma? The answer is that it “functions as a hedge against religious belief, in particular the belief in man’s uniqueness.”
The enigma of order in the universe poses another intractable dilemma for naturalism. Quantum electrodynamics, according to a famous remark by Feynman, exercises such precision with regard to theory and experiment in the natural world that it can measure the distance between New York and Los Angeles to within the width of a human hair. No scientist can account for this uncanny result or many others in the natural world. “We have no reason to expect such gifts” quips Berlinski.
In the absence of an adequate explanation, evolutionary thought has fallen back on a sort of scientific equivalent to the old theistic “God of the gaps” defense. Whereas the old argument posited that God explained what science could not (hence the “gaps”), the new form of the argument holds that what science is unable to explain today will surely be explained by the science of tomorrow. But contrary to the view that the inexplicable is shrinking, Berlinski counters that for every “gap” filled, science creates new gaps all over again. The process is “inexhaustible.”
Unfortunately, these inconvenient truths do not chasten ideological Darwinists like Dawkins or Dennett. Quite the opposite; their contempt and indignation for those who deign to propose concepts of intelligent design is unbridled. To such as those “who feed like leeches on irrational beliefs,” are “offensive little swarms of insects,” and amount to “intellectual viruses,” the only recourse is to “take care of them by spraying biological knowledge.” This is the view of biologist Emile Zuckerkandl writing in the journal Gene.
To a committed Darwinist like Daniel Dennett, “contemporary biology has demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt that natural selection…has the power to generate breathtakingly ingenious designs.” However, most biologists know better. According to Berlinski, “the facts are what they have always been: unforthcoming. And the theory is what it always was: unpersuasive.” A Nobel laureate in biology once remarked to Berlinski, “Darwin? That’s just the party line.”
What Berlinski achieves in The Devil’s Delusion is the distillation of a remarkable array of complex scientific principles in a surprisingly readable and amusing treatise. His genius lies in his ability to communicate in layman’s terms the essence of what science claims to know about the natural world. But in exposing the considerable absence of real knowledge (and answers) pertaining to the great timeless questions Berlinski, in effect, calls science’s bluff and unmasks the visage of atheism.
See also Berlinski’s article “The God of the Gaps” adapted from his book in Commentary 125/4 (April 2008) 34-40.
(See sidebar or title of post for link to Dr. Janeway's website where this review appears. I have edited it slightly.)
By Brian Janeway, Ph.D.
For anyone looking for a well reasoned, intelligent, and witty defense of theistic belief they could do far worse than The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions by David Berlinski (Crown Forum, 2008). Berlinski, a Ph.D. (Princeton) and professor of mathematics and philosophy who has authored many books, seems well equipped to offer an adroit and readable critique of the sum of science’s theories regarding the origin, nature and development of life on earth. For this reason Neo-Darwinists and atheists of all stripes ignore this book at their peril, particularly polemicists such as Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens and their ilk who have recently published scathing critiques of religious belief in general and Christian belief in particular.
Berlinski conceives his defense as one uncommitted to any faith tradition. Indeed, he is a self-professed secular Jew whose “religious education did not take.” As one who has spent the better part of his academic life writing about the sciences he makes a most unlikely apologist for belief in God. Yet in his preface he bluntly dismisses as “splendid artifacts of the human imagination” the various and elaborate theories to account for how the universe began, how life originated on earth, how the brain functions, or how the human conscience is impelled to distinguish between right and wrong. On these and many more questions the “great scientific theories have lapsed.” Even more lacking are science’s statements pertaining to eternal questions about life, death, love, and meaning. In Berlinski’s view, science has nothing of value to say on these issues.
Not surprisingly, Berlinski delivers some of his best blows against the artifice of Darwinism. Many of the most potent critiques of the theory are culled from the mouths of advocates themselves. As Philip Johnson has noted, modern science has eliminated a priori any answers that include design or a divine hand, thereby rigging the game and predetermining the outcome. Johnson calls this bias methodological naturalism. Fortunately there are some naturalists who endeavor to be transparent with regards to their presuppositions. Berlinski quotes C. F. von Weizsacker thusly:
Is there a God who has among other things created the universe? It is not by its conclusions but by its methodological starting point that modern science excludes creation. Our methodology would not be honest if this fact were denied…
Most modern scholarship neglects the contributions of Alfred Wallace to the theory of evolution perhaps because, in contrast to Darwin, he soon after began to have serious doubts about its validity. In an essay published in 1869 Wallace gave voice to his skepticism. In it he detailed several human characteristics that he believed natural selection failed to explain. These include the human brain, the organs of speech, the hand, and the upright posture and bipedal gait of human beings. Wallace was particularly interested in the workings of the human mind and language, which to him appeared as a latent power inherent as much in a modern European as in a tribesman from the Amazon.
But how does natural selection account for latent powers? It holds that useful genes are selected for perpetuation and useless ones fall into oblivion. The apparent fact that these abilities were “frontloaded” into the species long ago runs counter to evolutionary dogma. Indeed, it seems to point to an immutable aspect in human nature. Contrary to what the scientists would have us believe, according to Berlinski, the conflict persists to this day. “It has not been resolved.”
That human beings possess powers and abilities that surpass all other creatures is obvious to most observers. All it takes is a look around. The proposition that we are merely a product of random evolutionary process, Berlinski asserts, “requires a disciplined commitment” to a worldview that owes “astonishingly little to the evidence.” Why then, he asks, does improbable theory become inviolate dogma? The answer is that it “functions as a hedge against religious belief, in particular the belief in man’s uniqueness.”
The enigma of order in the universe poses another intractable dilemma for naturalism. Quantum electrodynamics, according to a famous remark by Feynman, exercises such precision with regard to theory and experiment in the natural world that it can measure the distance between New York and Los Angeles to within the width of a human hair. No scientist can account for this uncanny result or many others in the natural world. “We have no reason to expect such gifts” quips Berlinski.
In the absence of an adequate explanation, evolutionary thought has fallen back on a sort of scientific equivalent to the old theistic “God of the gaps” defense. Whereas the old argument posited that God explained what science could not (hence the “gaps”), the new form of the argument holds that what science is unable to explain today will surely be explained by the science of tomorrow. But contrary to the view that the inexplicable is shrinking, Berlinski counters that for every “gap” filled, science creates new gaps all over again. The process is “inexhaustible.”
Unfortunately, these inconvenient truths do not chasten ideological Darwinists like Dawkins or Dennett. Quite the opposite; their contempt and indignation for those who deign to propose concepts of intelligent design is unbridled. To such as those “who feed like leeches on irrational beliefs,” are “offensive little swarms of insects,” and amount to “intellectual viruses,” the only recourse is to “take care of them by spraying biological knowledge.” This is the view of biologist Emile Zuckerkandl writing in the journal Gene.
To a committed Darwinist like Daniel Dennett, “contemporary biology has demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt that natural selection…has the power to generate breathtakingly ingenious designs.” However, most biologists know better. According to Berlinski, “the facts are what they have always been: unforthcoming. And the theory is what it always was: unpersuasive.” A Nobel laureate in biology once remarked to Berlinski, “Darwin? That’s just the party line.”
What Berlinski achieves in The Devil’s Delusion is the distillation of a remarkable array of complex scientific principles in a surprisingly readable and amusing treatise. His genius lies in his ability to communicate in layman’s terms the essence of what science claims to know about the natural world. But in exposing the considerable absence of real knowledge (and answers) pertaining to the great timeless questions Berlinski, in effect, calls science’s bluff and unmasks the visage of atheism.
See also Berlinski’s article “The God of the Gaps” adapted from his book in Commentary 125/4 (April 2008) 34-40.
(See sidebar or title of post for link to Dr. Janeway's website where this review appears. I have edited it slightly.)
Thy Kingdom Come....

More song lyrics to encourage me in my isolated, solitary walk with the LORD. One day, I will enjoy like-minded fellowship. These lonely wilderness wanderings will end.
One day, life on Earth will be as it should be—satisfying, not frustrating; joyous, not sorrowful. In that day, mankind will long enjoy the work of his hands. Nothing will hurt or destroy. There will be peace. Wild animals will be tame. People will live hundreds of years. Crime will be sparse and swiftly dealt with. Righteousness will reign. YESHUA as EMMANUEL (God with us) will be King over all the Earth. The redeemed will rule with Him. God’s laws (Torah) will be the law of the land. All nations will worship the One True God and keep the festival of Sukkot. There will be a literal Kingdom of God on Earth. This is what the Bible clearly teaches...and I believe it.
And the LORD shall be King over all the Earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and His name one. (Zechariah 14:9)
This song is....
A statement of my belief in the soon coming Millennial Kingdom.
A statement of my belief in the transcendence of God and His intervention in the natural and political world, though few perceive or acknowledge this.
A statement of my belief in a close, personal relationship with the LORD God of Israel.
The music for this song is at my sidebar (Yanni – One Man’s Dream/Live at the Acropolis)
These were the first lyrics I penned, in the Summer of 1997, as I drove four hours from Ono, PA through the rural part of the state of New York listening to Yanni in the cab of a new truck I was assigned to deliver. It had a great stereo. What a glorious sanctuary it became! I could almost imagine the Heavens rolling back like a scroll in the final stanza as the stringed instruments played prophetically.
It won’t be long now. I can hardly wait for the Millennial Kingdom. I believe we are the last generation. Two thousand years from YESHUA’s departure is soon to expire. After two prophetic days He will return, a day being a thousand years (Hosea 6:2; 2 Peter 3:8).
Let us prepare to meet our God, for our redemption draweth nigh. We may experience difficulties and disappointments now, but the future is awesome!
The LORD Reigns
The LORD He reigns upon the Heavens
The LORD He reigns upon the Earth
He reigns a thousand years here on Earth
And He reigns in my heart
He reigns upon the Heavens
The LORD He reigns upon the Earth
He reigns a thousand years here on Earth
And He reigns in my heart
I know
I know
I know He reigns upon this Earth
He reigns upon the Oceans
The LORD He reigns upon the Seas
He reigns when no one sees Him
He hides in the clouds of their minds
He reigns upon the Mountains
The LORD He reigns upon the Hills
He reigns when all is calm and still
And He reigns in my heart
The LORD He reigns upon the Heavens
The LORD He reigns upon the Earth
He reigns a thousand years here on Earth
And He reigns in my heart.
Storm Clouds on the Horizon

Seven days after my grandson's birthday, the 11th storm of the hurricane season has formed, bearing his name oddly enough. A secondary storm system is already producing 20 foot waves in the Atlantic, heavy squalls of rain along the mid-Atlantic coast, and whirlwinds. Flooding is expected. Tropical storm Kyle seems to be headed towards New England, perhaps decadent Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod. We shall see if Kyle develops into another major, damaging storm, even as we try to recover from Hurricane Ike and the devastation of Galveston Island and other hard-hit areas that are still without power 11 days later.
Meanwhile, America is reeling from the crisis of its financial tsunami. We could be on the brink of what has been described as a financial catastrophe resulting in a Great Depression. If we go forward with the proposed Bailout plan, we will essentially become a Socialist government, similar to France 20 years ago from what I hear. I do not know much about Economics, but it sounds like we are in dire straits. The politicians in Washington trying to solve the problem are described as "in disarray" and "contentious." John McCain has suspended his campaign to attend to this crisis. Obama wants the scheduled debate to take place tomorrow night no matter what. Maybe Sarah Palin could fill in for McCain...the Queen Esther of our generation in the opinion of many (for such a time as this).
I could not sleep at all last night. This Bible passage kept coming to mind:
....distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth....
Luke 21:25-26
Pray for America....this could be the beginning of the end for this once great nation. We are a people who need the LORD but are tragically backslidden and apostate in large numbers. We refuse to call upon Him due to unbelief. What will befall us in the coming days?
If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Update: 9/26
From today's Bible Pathway....
The LORD hath His way in the whirlwind and in the storm...
The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.
Nahum 1:3, 7
The Ten Commandments Song
Music by Yanni (With an Orchid/If I Could Tell You)
Lyrics by Renah (2005)
This was the last song written on the highways of America before I retired from the stresses of the road. I thought white line fever might beckon me back....but I have been fairly content at home in the office the past three years.
Genesis of the song:
It bothered me that Ten Commandments plaques and monuments were being ordered removed from public buildings and public property throughout America. In protest, citizens posted Ten Commandments lawn signs in their own front yards. Yet it seemed so hypocritical that Americans, especially Christians, did not live by the Ten Commandments....and most could not recite them from memory. Most Christians consider them obsolete and irrelevant to today’s world. How many Christian families post these Commandments in their own homes and teach them to their own children? Sadly, very few it seems.
I imagined an assembly of young children singing this song in a school presentation.....and their parents coming under conviction to keep the commandments of God, including the Sabbath....but I never had the nerve to approach the music director at the grandkids’ Baptist school.
The video at the sidebar link (With an Orchid) will provide the music to go with these lyrics. The photos from Oriental gardens just enhance the thought that God’s commandments are for people everywhere, not just Jewish people. God’s Covenant People are grafted in to the Olive Tree.....yet we come from every nation and tongue under Heaven. We are One People, having been brought out of the bondage of false religion, the bondage of alcohol, the bondage of slavery to sin, the bondage of our own lower nature.
I like the way the video ends with a view of the Mountain.
The Ten Commandments Song
Musical prelude.....then...
Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me
O Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me
Thou shalt not have other gods before Me
Thou shalt not commit idolatry against Me
Thou shalt not take
My Name in vain
Remember the Sabbath day
To keep it holy.....holy
Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me
O Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me
Honor thy father and thy mother
That it may be well with thee
Thou shalt not kill
Nor commit adultery
Thou shalt not steal
How would you feel?
Do unto others
As you would have them do to you
Remember...repeat refrain twice
Thou shalt not bear false witness
Thou shalt not lie
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods
Or his wife
O that there were
Such a heart in them
That they would fear Me
And keep
My precepts always
And always
O that there were such an heart in them.
Lyrics by Renah (2005)
This was the last song written on the highways of America before I retired from the stresses of the road. I thought white line fever might beckon me back....but I have been fairly content at home in the office the past three years.
Genesis of the song:
It bothered me that Ten Commandments plaques and monuments were being ordered removed from public buildings and public property throughout America. In protest, citizens posted Ten Commandments lawn signs in their own front yards. Yet it seemed so hypocritical that Americans, especially Christians, did not live by the Ten Commandments....and most could not recite them from memory. Most Christians consider them obsolete and irrelevant to today’s world. How many Christian families post these Commandments in their own homes and teach them to their own children? Sadly, very few it seems.
I imagined an assembly of young children singing this song in a school presentation.....and their parents coming under conviction to keep the commandments of God, including the Sabbath....but I never had the nerve to approach the music director at the grandkids’ Baptist school.
The video at the sidebar link (With an Orchid) will provide the music to go with these lyrics. The photos from Oriental gardens just enhance the thought that God’s commandments are for people everywhere, not just Jewish people. God’s Covenant People are grafted in to the Olive Tree.....yet we come from every nation and tongue under Heaven. We are One People, having been brought out of the bondage of false religion, the bondage of alcohol, the bondage of slavery to sin, the bondage of our own lower nature.
I like the way the video ends with a view of the Mountain.
The Ten Commandments Song
Musical prelude.....then...
Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me
O Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me
Thou shalt not have other gods before Me
Thou shalt not commit idolatry against Me
Thou shalt not take
My Name in vain
Remember the Sabbath day
To keep it holy.....holy
Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me
O Remember I am the LORD GOD
Brought you out of bondage
To serve Me
Honor thy father and thy mother
That it may be well with thee
Thou shalt not kill
Nor commit adultery
Thou shalt not steal
How would you feel?
Do unto others
As you would have them do to you
Remember...repeat refrain twice
Thou shalt not bear false witness
Thou shalt not lie
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods
Or his wife
O that there were
Such a heart in them
That they would fear Me
And keep
My precepts always
And always
O that there were such an heart in them.
Back to Songwriting
I thought I would post some of my earlier song lyrics and maybe write some new ones. This is something I can do as a loner in troubled times. In some ways I enjoy the stretches of lonely times for the opportunity to spend quality time with the LORD and write what I believe He gives me. I find comfort in these song lyrics and the soothing sounds of Yanni’s compositions. I would like to learn how to put the music and words together as slide shows with pictures eventually.
(Yearning for the Millennial Kingdom)
Lyrics by Renah (copyright 2002)
Music by Yanni (Nostalgia/Live from the Acropolis, 1994)
Origins: On the Wyoming Ascent, 1997
Refinement: On the Lonely Highway to Nevada, 2002
Sing along with Yanni's live performance:
(See sidebar at Featured Links if this link does not work)
Soft musical prelude, then..... the Ascent....
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our King
Repeat refrain
Come behold
The King of Kings
In all His Splendor
Come behold
What used to be
The Desolation
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our King
To worship HaShem.
Long ago, far away
Came a day
When Avraham “sacrificed” his only son
In a “type” of the Holy One
Who was to come
And die
For all my sin
Create a new spirit within
I’m born again
And I’m glad to be
Grafted in the Olive Tree
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our...
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our King
Sing praises to Him
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our King
To worship HaShem
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem.
Music can be downloaded at iTunes (Nostalgia...from Live at the Acropolis....Yanni).
Another song.......
In Tribute
Today is the anniversary of the passing of my mother twelve years ago. It took several years for me to completely get over losing her [to complications of kidney disease]. Her presence seemed to still be with me, influencing my life. She was sick for seven years....and it took about seven years for me to adjust and recover from the post-traumatic stress of caring for her in her fragile years.
Mothers are very special people in our lives. These song lyrics came as I tried to cope with the memories...from my happy childhood to my teenage rebellion and giving her grief....to growing up and appreciating her more and more as I got into my 30’s.....to the grief I felt watching her suffer (although she had many good days).
The song lyrics reflect a word collage, morphing between thoughts of Mom, thoughts of me in relation to Mom, thoughts of my own children in relation to me, thoughts of mothers and children in general. This is for all moms who grieve for their sons and daughters, whose greatest desire is that they would walk in truth. May the efforts of godly mothers to instill faith in their children not ultimately be in vain.
This is another Yanni tune which he calls Felitsa....composed as a tribute to his own mother. Watch and hear:
(See sidebar at Featured links if this link does not work)
lyrics by Renah, copyright 2001 (germinated 1999)
music by Yanni - Felitsa/In My Time
Dedicated to and inspired by my mother, Waltrude (Twyman) Madden – 1916-1996
Musical prelude, then....
A daughter can leave
And a mother can grieve
A son he can run
And a prodigal be
But they’ll never go far from
The Word Mother taught them
God’s Word it will haunt them
The rest of their days
You never know
Until you grow
What “Mother” really means
Your mother, your mother
What does she really mean?
Your mother, your mother
There is no other
That has such an impact
On your life today
You’ll love her
You’ll “hate” her
But don’t underrate her
Honor your mother today
It’s God’s way
A daughter can leave
And a mother can grieve
A son he can run
And a prodigal be
But I’ll never go far from
The words mother taught me
Her words they will haunt me
The rest of my days
I never knew
Until I grew
What “Mother” really means
My mother, my mother
What did she really mean?
My mother, my mother
There is no other
That has such an impact on my life today
I love her
I miss her
And now reminisce her
I’ll honor my mother today
Every day
It’s the only way
Oh, Yah’s fifth commandment
Says honor your parents
That it may be well
The rest of your days
A daughter can leave
And a mother can grieve
A son he can run
And a prodigal be
But they’ll never go far from
The Word Mother taught them
God’s Word it will haunt them
The rest of their days
You never know until you grow
What “Mother” really means
God bless your mother
Your mother, your mother
There is no other
That has such an impact
On your life today
You’ll love her
You’ll “hate” her
But don’t underrate her
Honor your mother today
It’s God’s way
It’s the only way
Yah’s fifth commandment
Says to honor your parents
That it may be well with you
All of your days
And that you may live
Long upon this Earth
I will honor her
I will become...
A writer
(Yearning for the Millennial Kingdom)
Lyrics by Renah (copyright 2002)
Music by Yanni (Nostalgia/Live from the Acropolis, 1994)
Origins: On the Wyoming Ascent, 1997
Refinement: On the Lonely Highway to Nevada, 2002
Sing along with Yanni's live performance:
(See sidebar at Featured Links if this link does not work)
Soft musical prelude, then..... the Ascent....
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our King
Repeat refrain
Come behold
The King of Kings
In all His Splendor
Come behold
What used to be
The Desolation
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our King
To worship HaShem.
Long ago, far away
Came a day
When Avraham “sacrificed” his only son
In a “type” of the Holy One
Who was to come
And die
For all my sin
Create a new spirit within
I’m born again
And I’m glad to be
Grafted in the Olive Tree
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our...
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our King
Sing praises to Him
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem
To receive our King
To worship HaShem
Come let us go up
To Jerusalem.
Music can be downloaded at iTunes (Nostalgia...from Live at the Acropolis....Yanni).
Another song.......
In Tribute
Today is the anniversary of the passing of my mother twelve years ago. It took several years for me to completely get over losing her [to complications of kidney disease]. Her presence seemed to still be with me, influencing my life. She was sick for seven years....and it took about seven years for me to adjust and recover from the post-traumatic stress of caring for her in her fragile years.
Mothers are very special people in our lives. These song lyrics came as I tried to cope with the memories...from my happy childhood to my teenage rebellion and giving her grief....to growing up and appreciating her more and more as I got into my 30’s.....to the grief I felt watching her suffer (although she had many good days).
The song lyrics reflect a word collage, morphing between thoughts of Mom, thoughts of me in relation to Mom, thoughts of my own children in relation to me, thoughts of mothers and children in general. This is for all moms who grieve for their sons and daughters, whose greatest desire is that they would walk in truth. May the efforts of godly mothers to instill faith in their children not ultimately be in vain.
This is another Yanni tune which he calls Felitsa....composed as a tribute to his own mother. Watch and hear:
(See sidebar at Featured links if this link does not work)
lyrics by Renah, copyright 2001 (germinated 1999)
music by Yanni - Felitsa/In My Time
Dedicated to and inspired by my mother, Waltrude (Twyman) Madden – 1916-1996
Musical prelude, then....
A daughter can leave
And a mother can grieve
A son he can run
And a prodigal be
But they’ll never go far from
The Word Mother taught them
God’s Word it will haunt them
The rest of their days
You never know
Until you grow
What “Mother” really means
Your mother, your mother
What does she really mean?
Your mother, your mother
There is no other
That has such an impact
On your life today
You’ll love her
You’ll “hate” her
But don’t underrate her
Honor your mother today
It’s God’s way
A daughter can leave
And a mother can grieve
A son he can run
And a prodigal be
But I’ll never go far from
The words mother taught me
Her words they will haunt me
The rest of my days
I never knew
Until I grew
What “Mother” really means
My mother, my mother
What did she really mean?
My mother, my mother
There is no other
That has such an impact on my life today
I love her
I miss her
And now reminisce her
I’ll honor my mother today
Every day
It’s the only way
Oh, Yah’s fifth commandment
Says honor your parents
That it may be well
The rest of your days
A daughter can leave
And a mother can grieve
A son he can run
And a prodigal be
But they’ll never go far from
The Word Mother taught them
God’s Word it will haunt them
The rest of their days
You never know until you grow
What “Mother” really means
God bless your mother
Your mother, your mother
There is no other
That has such an impact
On your life today
You’ll love her
You’ll “hate” her
But don’t underrate her
Honor your mother today
It’s God’s way
It’s the only way
Yah’s fifth commandment
Says to honor your parents
That it may be well with you
All of your days
And that you may live
Long upon this Earth
I will honor her
I will become...
A writer
The Menace of Darwinism
By William Jennings Bryan
About 1922
"Quietly and unnoticed, the enemies of the Bible have been substituting irreligion for religion. Having excluded the teaching of religion, they are daily teaching that which cannot be true if the Bible is true. They do not always openly attack the Bible, but that which they teach is built upon the theory that the Bible is untrue. Many of these teachers are atheists, and do not believe in either a personal God or a personal immortality, as Professor Leuba, of Bryn Mawr, shows in his book, 'Belief in God and Immortality.' Professor Leuba has himself rejected belief in a personal God and belief in a personal immortality, and presents evidence to show, that a majority of the prominent scientists agree with him.
"Some deny that they are atheists, preferring rather to call themselves agnostics, it being easier to plead ignorance than to defend atheism. Darwin declared himself to be an agnostic, having substituted his hypothesis and its implications for the Bible. Darwin began life a Christian, but finding that his hypothesis was inconsistent with the fundamental teachings of Christianity, he rejected the Bible as an inspired Book, and with it the Christ of whom the Bible tells. Darwin declared himself an agnostic, and said that the beginning of all things, was a mystery insoluble by man.
"The tendency of Darwinism, although unsupported by any substantial fact in nature, since no species has been shown to come from any other species, is to destroy faith in a personal God, faith in the Bible as an inspired Book, and faith in Christ as Son and Saviour.
"The so-called theistic evolutionists refuse to admit that they are atheists, contending that they believe in a God back of creation; they argue that evolution is God's method, but they put God so far away as to practically destroy a sense of God's presence in the daily life and a sense of responsibility to Him. At least, that is the tendency, and since the so-called theistic evolutionists borrow all their facts from atheistic evolutionists and differ from them only in the origin of life, theistic evolution may be described as an aesthetic administered to young Christians to deaden the pain while their religion is being removed by the materialists.
"When the Christians of the nation understand the demoralizing influence of this godless doctrine, they will refuse to allow it to be taught at public expense. Christianity is not afraid of truth, because truth comes from God, no matter by whom it is discovered or proclaimed, but there is no reason why Christians should tax themselves to pay teachers to exploit guesses and hypotheses as if they were true.
"The only thing that Christians need to do now is to bring the enemies of the Bible into the open and compel them to meet the issue as it is. As soon as the methods of the atheists, agnostics, and Darwinists are exposed, they raise a cry that freedom of conscience is being attacked. That is false, there is no interference with freedom of conscience in this country, and should be none. Christians will be just as prompt as atheists to oppose any attempt to interfere with absolute freedom of conscience. The atheist has just as much civil right to deny God as the Christian has to believe God; the agnostic has just as much right to profess ignorance in regard to God's existence as the Christian has to profess his faith in the existence of God. The right of conscience is not menaced in this country, it is inviolable.
"Neither do Christians object to the teaching of atheism and agnosticism by those who believe in these doctrines. Atheists have just as much civil right to teach atheism as Christians have to teach Christianity; agnostics have just as much right to teach agnosticism as Christians have to teach their religion. Let it be understood that there is no attack either upon the freedom of conscience or upon anyone's right to teach religion or irreligion. The real issue is whether atheists, agnostics, Darwinists and evolutionists shall enjoy special privileges in this country, and have rights higher than the rights of Christians. They dare not claim higher rights, though they now enjoy higher rights and are contending for higher rights.
"When Christians want to teach Christianity, they build their own schools and colleges, and employ their own teachers-- Catholics build Catholic schools, Protestants build Protestant schools. Every Protestant branch of the Christian church builds its own schools for the propagation of its own doctrine. This is the rule, and there is no protest against it.
"Why should not atheists build their own colleges and employ their own teachers if they want to teach atheism? Why should not agnostics build their own colleges and employ their own teachers if they want to teach agnosticism? Only a small percentage of the American people believe that man is descendant of the ape, monkey, or of any other form of animal life below man; why should not those who worship brute ancestors build their own colleges, and employ their own teachers for the training of their own children for their brute doctrine? There are no atheistic schools, and there are no agnostic schools-why should there be, if atheists and agnostics can save the expense of building their own schools and the expense of employing their own teachers by using the public schools for the propagation of their doctrine? They even make their living by teaching to the children of Christians a doctrine that the parents reject and which they do not want their children to accept. As long as the atheists and agnostics have the same rights as the Christians, what complaint can they make of injustice? Why do they ask special favors?
"If those who teach Darwinism and evolution, as applied to man, insist that they are neither agnostics nor atheists, but are merely interpreting the Bible differently from orthodox Christians, what right have they to ask that their interpretation be taught at public expense? It is safe to say that not one professing Christian in ten has any sympathy with Darwinism or with any evolutionary hypothesis that takes from man the breath of the Almighty and substitutes the blood of a brute. Why should a small fraction of the Christian church-if they call themselves Christians–insist upon propagating their views of Christianity and their interpretation of the Bible at public expense? If any portion of; the people could claim the right to teach their views at public expense, that right would certainly belong to a large majority rather than to a small minority. But the majority are not asking that their views be taught at the expense of the tax-payers; the majority is simply protesting against the use of the public schools of a MINORITY to spread their view, whether they be called atheists, or agnostics, or are merely teaching their interpretation of the Bible.
"Christians do not ask that the teachers in the public schools, colleges and universities become exponents of orthodox Christianity; they are not asking them to teach the Bible conception of God, to affirm the Bible's claim to infallibility, or to proclaim the deity of Christ; but Christians have a right to protest against teaching that which weakens faith in God, undermines belief in the Bible, and reduces Christ to the stature of a man. The teacher who tells the student that miracles are impossible because contrary to evolution, is attacking the Bible; what right has he to do so?
"Our schools are intended to train the minds of students, but back of the mind is the heart, out of which are the issues of life'. Religion deals with the Science of How to Live, which is more important than any science taught in the schools. The school teacher cannot cram enough education into the mind to offset the harm done to the student if his life is robbed of faith and his ideals are brought down to the basis of materialism. It is high time for the people who believe in religion to make their protest against the teaching of irreligion in the public schools under the guise of science and philosophy....
“The issue is plain: The Evolutionists intend, through our tax-supported schools, to change our Bible and our religion. A prominent Evolutionist has put it plainly: "We intend, first, to reconstruct Bible history in harmony with the theory of Evolution. Second, to eliminate by this process all that is supernatural in the record." Eliminate all that is supernatural, and you have no real Redeemer left....
Most alive today have been indoctrinated in Darwinism as children in public school. Is it any wonder that Apostasy has gone mainstream in our generation and true faith hard to find?
About 1922
"Quietly and unnoticed, the enemies of the Bible have been substituting irreligion for religion. Having excluded the teaching of religion, they are daily teaching that which cannot be true if the Bible is true. They do not always openly attack the Bible, but that which they teach is built upon the theory that the Bible is untrue. Many of these teachers are atheists, and do not believe in either a personal God or a personal immortality, as Professor Leuba, of Bryn Mawr, shows in his book, 'Belief in God and Immortality.' Professor Leuba has himself rejected belief in a personal God and belief in a personal immortality, and presents evidence to show, that a majority of the prominent scientists agree with him.
"Some deny that they are atheists, preferring rather to call themselves agnostics, it being easier to plead ignorance than to defend atheism. Darwin declared himself to be an agnostic, having substituted his hypothesis and its implications for the Bible. Darwin began life a Christian, but finding that his hypothesis was inconsistent with the fundamental teachings of Christianity, he rejected the Bible as an inspired Book, and with it the Christ of whom the Bible tells. Darwin declared himself an agnostic, and said that the beginning of all things, was a mystery insoluble by man.
"The tendency of Darwinism, although unsupported by any substantial fact in nature, since no species has been shown to come from any other species, is to destroy faith in a personal God, faith in the Bible as an inspired Book, and faith in Christ as Son and Saviour.
"The so-called theistic evolutionists refuse to admit that they are atheists, contending that they believe in a God back of creation; they argue that evolution is God's method, but they put God so far away as to practically destroy a sense of God's presence in the daily life and a sense of responsibility to Him. At least, that is the tendency, and since the so-called theistic evolutionists borrow all their facts from atheistic evolutionists and differ from them only in the origin of life, theistic evolution may be described as an aesthetic administered to young Christians to deaden the pain while their religion is being removed by the materialists.
"When the Christians of the nation understand the demoralizing influence of this godless doctrine, they will refuse to allow it to be taught at public expense. Christianity is not afraid of truth, because truth comes from God, no matter by whom it is discovered or proclaimed, but there is no reason why Christians should tax themselves to pay teachers to exploit guesses and hypotheses as if they were true.
"The only thing that Christians need to do now is to bring the enemies of the Bible into the open and compel them to meet the issue as it is. As soon as the methods of the atheists, agnostics, and Darwinists are exposed, they raise a cry that freedom of conscience is being attacked. That is false, there is no interference with freedom of conscience in this country, and should be none. Christians will be just as prompt as atheists to oppose any attempt to interfere with absolute freedom of conscience. The atheist has just as much civil right to deny God as the Christian has to believe God; the agnostic has just as much right to profess ignorance in regard to God's existence as the Christian has to profess his faith in the existence of God. The right of conscience is not menaced in this country, it is inviolable.
"Neither do Christians object to the teaching of atheism and agnosticism by those who believe in these doctrines. Atheists have just as much civil right to teach atheism as Christians have to teach Christianity; agnostics have just as much right to teach agnosticism as Christians have to teach their religion. Let it be understood that there is no attack either upon the freedom of conscience or upon anyone's right to teach religion or irreligion. The real issue is whether atheists, agnostics, Darwinists and evolutionists shall enjoy special privileges in this country, and have rights higher than the rights of Christians. They dare not claim higher rights, though they now enjoy higher rights and are contending for higher rights.
"When Christians want to teach Christianity, they build their own schools and colleges, and employ their own teachers-- Catholics build Catholic schools, Protestants build Protestant schools. Every Protestant branch of the Christian church builds its own schools for the propagation of its own doctrine. This is the rule, and there is no protest against it.
"Why should not atheists build their own colleges and employ their own teachers if they want to teach atheism? Why should not agnostics build their own colleges and employ their own teachers if they want to teach agnosticism? Only a small percentage of the American people believe that man is descendant of the ape, monkey, or of any other form of animal life below man; why should not those who worship brute ancestors build their own colleges, and employ their own teachers for the training of their own children for their brute doctrine? There are no atheistic schools, and there are no agnostic schools-why should there be, if atheists and agnostics can save the expense of building their own schools and the expense of employing their own teachers by using the public schools for the propagation of their doctrine? They even make their living by teaching to the children of Christians a doctrine that the parents reject and which they do not want their children to accept. As long as the atheists and agnostics have the same rights as the Christians, what complaint can they make of injustice? Why do they ask special favors?
"If those who teach Darwinism and evolution, as applied to man, insist that they are neither agnostics nor atheists, but are merely interpreting the Bible differently from orthodox Christians, what right have they to ask that their interpretation be taught at public expense? It is safe to say that not one professing Christian in ten has any sympathy with Darwinism or with any evolutionary hypothesis that takes from man the breath of the Almighty and substitutes the blood of a brute. Why should a small fraction of the Christian church-if they call themselves Christians–insist upon propagating their views of Christianity and their interpretation of the Bible at public expense? If any portion of; the people could claim the right to teach their views at public expense, that right would certainly belong to a large majority rather than to a small minority. But the majority are not asking that their views be taught at the expense of the tax-payers; the majority is simply protesting against the use of the public schools of a MINORITY to spread their view, whether they be called atheists, or agnostics, or are merely teaching their interpretation of the Bible.
"Christians do not ask that the teachers in the public schools, colleges and universities become exponents of orthodox Christianity; they are not asking them to teach the Bible conception of God, to affirm the Bible's claim to infallibility, or to proclaim the deity of Christ; but Christians have a right to protest against teaching that which weakens faith in God, undermines belief in the Bible, and reduces Christ to the stature of a man. The teacher who tells the student that miracles are impossible because contrary to evolution, is attacking the Bible; what right has he to do so?
"Our schools are intended to train the minds of students, but back of the mind is the heart, out of which are the issues of life'. Religion deals with the Science of How to Live, which is more important than any science taught in the schools. The school teacher cannot cram enough education into the mind to offset the harm done to the student if his life is robbed of faith and his ideals are brought down to the basis of materialism. It is high time for the people who believe in religion to make their protest against the teaching of irreligion in the public schools under the guise of science and philosophy....
“The issue is plain: The Evolutionists intend, through our tax-supported schools, to change our Bible and our religion. A prominent Evolutionist has put it plainly: "We intend, first, to reconstruct Bible history in harmony with the theory of Evolution. Second, to eliminate by this process all that is supernatural in the record." Eliminate all that is supernatural, and you have no real Redeemer left....
Most alive today have been indoctrinated in Darwinism as children in public school. Is it any wonder that Apostasy has gone mainstream in our generation and true faith hard to find?
Broken Toes and Many Woes

America is reeling from recent and ongoing catastrophe. A tsunami of weather and financial storms is impacting all of us. Eerily, this latest round of “birth pangs” began on September 11 (Yom Kippur) when humongous Hurricane Ike (Isaac/Last Laugh) swirled in the center of warm Gulf waters, with the barrier islands beckoning to be struck hard. In recent years, Galveston has become a mecca for “alternative lifestyles” with 80% of the Island holding a laissez-faire attitude about it. Party on, America. GOD will ultimately have the last laugh. Greed, pride, idolatry, and debauchery will be judged....yet the LORD remembers mercy as well. Tales of lives spared are surfacing daily.
Subsequent to this tragedy of unprecedented proportions.....and I sympathize and grieve with the suffering masses who are finding that FEMA is not the friend they were counting on.......we read other horrific headlines:
Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest U.S. investment bank files for bankruptcy, the biggest filing in history
U.S. Stocks Drop, S&P 500 Sinks Most Since 2001 Terror Attacks, Dow off 504 points
Fed adds $70 billion to the reserves...the most since 9/11 attacks as banks hoard cash
Bank of America buys Merrill Lynch after 48-hours of frenetic negotiating, Federal Reserve forced sale
UN chief fears world impact of US financial crisis –
Bailout of AIG to avert ‘worldwide calamity’
Worse slump in U.S housing since Great Depression
Yemen: 16 dead in US Embassy bombing
As I hobble around with broken toes (don’t ask, I’m a klutz) I thank the LORD we were spared worse woes here in Indiana. Thirty miles from home, neighborhoods are under water from severe flooding.
Deluge leads to Desperation in NW Indiana
Ike Remnants Blamed for Midwest Deaths, Blackouts
Hurricane Ike wreaked havoc nationwide....with those states spared the brunt of the storm eventually unable to escape paying at the pump as the ripple effects continue. Gas rationing may be next. I fear for cities like Chicago if Obama is not elected President. I fear for America if he IS elected President. It will mean we have taken another giant step towards oblivion as a great nation.
Maybe I am a metaphor. I hobble. This nation is broken and limping along. Will it ever walk uprightly again? There is only one way to heal.....petition the LORD with prayer. There is only one way to stay safe....petition the LORD with prayer....and walk in His ways, forsaking the futility of frowardness. The picture from Bolivar peninsula, Texas reminds me of Psalm 91....
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty....
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night;
Nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness;
Nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side,
And ten thousand at thy right hand;
But it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold
And see the reward of the wicked....
Why is this one house still standing? The photo also reminds me of Bible prophecy and the DESOLATION to come. I take comfort in considering that after the Desolation, there is a Kingdom to come, and Righteousness will rule. Tomorrow I plan to post my song lyrics about the Millennial Kingdom. This song, called Aliyah, is a comfort to me...and I hope a comfort to others coping with catastrophe.
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